Cigarettes Machine Welcoming New Industrial Era

Using cigarettes machine is an effort by cigarettes industry in new industrial era. The transition from industrial era 3.0 to industrial era 4.0 give big chance and profitable for creativity or new ideas. Industrial era 3.0 marked with automation in production process perfected by industrial era 4.0. As an improvement efforts from previous industrial era, industrial era 4.0 mixed automation with data transfer or well known as Internet of Things (IoT).

Ilustration of Internet of Things (IoT) Era
Ilustration of Internet of Things (IoT) Era

Cigarettes industry whether want it or not must ready to face up a lot of challenge if does not want to fail and left by modern industrial era. Industrial era 3.0 that started around 1970 got good response from cigarettes industry in Indonesia. Cigarettes industry shown that they were able to go along with current development. Using automatic machines to support production process is an applicative result from industrial era 3.0. Production result from using cigarettes machines is emergence the type of Machine Clove Cigarettes and Machine White Cigarettes.  

Automation in Industry
Automation in Industry

Hand Clove Cigarettes Survive in the Market

The emergence of Machine Clove Cigarettes and Machine White Cigarettes are newness product in cigarettes industry. Machine Clove Cigarettes and Machine White Cigarettes be innovation that can bring more profit for cigarettes industry. Exactly for cigarettes industry which previously only produced cigarettes with type of Hand Clove Cigarettes.

In terms of production cost, production cost of Machine Clove Cigarettes and Machine White Cigarettes obviously cheaper when compared with the production cost of Hand Clove Cigarettes. So, what the emergence and also high purchasing power for Machine Clove Cigarettes and Machine White Cigarettes mean business menace for Hand Clove Cigarettes?

Hand Clove Cigarettes
Hand Clove Cigarettes

Using Light Cigarettes Slitting Machine

Cigarettes industry with type of Hand Clove Cigarettes have more reason to survive. Production process of Hand Clove Cigarettes which need a lot of labor have big role for Indonesian economy. In Indonesia, Hand Clove Cigarettes industry accommodate a lot of labor even in the thousands. Althought sale value of Machine Clove Cigarettes and Machine White Cigarettes show rising trends year in year out, it doesn’t necessarily kill Hand Clove Cigarettes sale in the market.

So many smoker consumed Hand Clove Cigarettes for some conscious reasons. In Indonesia, clove cigarettes is a cultural heritage. Consuming Hand Clove Cigarettes that most of the production process done by labor cause  a special sensation. PT. Gudang Garam Tbk write on their website ( that Hand Clove Cigarettes is a populer product. So, PT. Gudang Garam Tbk as a big cigarettes company in Indonesia still produced Hand Clove Cigarettes.

Smoking is a popular activity in society
Smoking is a popular activity in society

In industrial era 4.0, the production of Hand Clove Cigarettes should be adapt. Using automatic machines for certain production processes is one of the key how cigarettes industry adapt. Which one of automatic cigarette machine that can use for certain production process of Hand Clove Cigarettes is Light Cigarettes Slitting Machines. The function of Light Cigarettes Slitting Machines is to split ambri paper with tobacco and clove on the damaged cigarettes.

Advantages of Automatic Cigarette Peel Machine

The rolling process of Hand Clove Cigarettes done by workers has opportunity to be damaged or not appropriate to the company’s standard. Solo Abadi offering Light Cigarettes Slitting Machine as a solution for its problem, so that the damaged cigarettes can handled well. The machine make tobacco and clove on damaged cigarettes possible reused. Therefore, cigarettes industry can minimize potential loss.

Light Cigarettes Slitting Machine
Light Cigarettes Slitting Machine

The advantages of Light Cigarettes Slitting Machine are able to peel 150 cigarettes stick for one minutes, classified as saving electric power, flexible so that easily to move in other place. If your company interest to know more information, please click the following link.

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