The Importance of Pregnancy Checks, When and What to Check?

Pregnancy examination or antenatal care is an examination service aimed at pregnant women to ensure that the mother and fetus are in good health during pregnancy. It is important to carry out examinations to reduce the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). Antenatal Care (ANC) is an examination that aims to monitor …

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The Most Complete Table of Ideal Height for Women According to Age!

The ideal height table for women. Often we compare when adolescence women’s height is shorter than that of men. Actually, what is the ideal height table for women according to their age? Check out the review in the following article! Read More: 3 Ways of Measuring Height You Should Avoid! Height Influencing Factors As people …

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The Most Accurate and Recommended Children’s Stadiometer in 2024!

Monitoring a child’s growth in his golden age is the most important thing that every parent should miss. One of them is to monitor the height of the child. The increase in centimeters in a few months is a mandatory thing that parents must follow. In the past, measuring height was still done manually, using …

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What are the 5 Steps of ILP Posyandu in 2024? Here’s the Definition!

ILP stands for integration of primary services at the village or sub-district level. In its implementation, it is known as ILP posyandu. Posyandu itself is an integrated service post located at the village level as the first health facility for the community, especially mothers and children. Actually, what is ILP posyandu? And what is the …

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Latest Elderly KIE Material for Elderly Health Counseling

Know what is elderly IEC? IEC stands for communication, information, and education intended for the elderly.  To maintain the health of the elderly to be healthy and fit, a health center for the elderly is intended for the elderly. So, what are the highlights of the elderly IEC activities? What are the materials? Check it out until the end of the following article! Read More: …

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