Recommended Home Cigarette Production Support Machines!

In the midst of market dominance over branded cigarettes from large cigarette factories, it turns out that home cigarette products can still survive. The growth of the cigarette industry in Indonesia which has experienced a significant increase cannot be separated from the support of various factors, including the socio-cultural conditions of the community that place cigarettes as one of the necessities of life that must be met. This happens because cigarettes have become part of people’s habits and lifestyles.

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The government has warned about the dangers of smoking and implemented smoking ban regulations in some places, the impact is not so great on the level of cigarette consumption of the community. Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics in 2009 noted that almost 70 percent of households in Indonesia allocated funds to buy cigarettes, even 57 percent of them came from households with relatively low financial levels. In addition, it should be noted that the growth of the cigarette industry is also supported by the existence of a home cigarette industry.

History of Home Cigarette Machines

The existence of cigarette industry machines that we know today has a long history that dates back to the past. The invention of this machine was an astonishing human achievement that marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution became the gateway to a time in which various aspects of life of the world community experienced significant quality improvement.

In the span of time between 1750 to 1850, the manufacturing, mining, agriculture, transportation, and later technology sectors experienced tremendous quality improvements. This increase not only has a positive impact on social conditions, but also benefits economically for the world community.

In addition, it should be noted that the existence of home cigarettes also affects the development of the cigarette industry. Although the cigarette industry machine has a major role, home cigarettes are also a factor that cannot be ignored in crafting the story of the development of the cigarette industry as a whole.

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The Right Home Cigarette Industry Machine

The selection of the right home cigarette industry machine requires careful consideration to ensure compatibility with production needs and budget. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Production capacity
  • Energy efficiency
  • Ease of Use
  • Machine production results
  • Types of cigarettes produced

Home Cigarette Industry Support Machine, Facilitate Mass Production

Currently, in Indonesia has introduced supporting machines for cigarette production, known as Light Cigarettes Slitting and Light Embossing. These devices are manufactured by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia, a manufacturing company located in Surakarta City, Central Java.

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Light Cigarettes Slitting is a supporting device in the cigarette industry sector that is used to separate tobacco from cigarette ambri in damaged cigarettes. This machine is commonly known as an oncek machine because of its process that involves decoding to make cigarettes reusable.

While the Light Emboss machine is a machine used to provide a code date on cigarette etiquette by embossing. The code dater is used as the date of cigarette production.

Get Light Cigarettes Slitting and Light Emboss cigarette support machines only at PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. You can contact our Admin via WhatsApp. Get the latest information about cigarette industry support machines in

Read More: Interested in Being Cigarette Manufacturer? Here Some Things You Need To Know
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