If you still remember in our last article, we already mentioned that Indonesia would experience a phase called a demo graphic bonus. For those who did not know, a demo graphic gift is a potential economic growth that it occurs because the age structure of the population experiences significant changes.
President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jokowi, stated that Indonesia would experience a demographic bonus in 2030-2040. So, the number of productive ages ie, 15-64 years, will be higher than the unproductive age (under 15 years and above 64 years).
The data described by the Acting reinforces this statement. Director-General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Rosarita Niken Widiastuti, said that the productive age predicts to penetrate 68 percent of the total population.
Demographic Bonuses, Positive or Negative Impact?
However, we all need to remain vigilant and think critically because this demographic bonus is like a double-edged knife. If Indonesia can maximize this phase, it will have Human Resources (Human Resources) who are ready to sustain to build a better country.
However, if it cannot maximize the demographic bonus, Indonesia will only kill unproductive young people. This can happen if various problems that are often faced are not finished; one of them is from the health sector, namely stunting.
Stunting: Scary Specter when Demographic Bonus Occurs
If the stunting problem is still big before the start of 2030, the generation expects to be an essential capital for economic growth, and the progress of a healthy and smart nation will only be a dream. Even worse, they can become a national burden.
Therefore, we must work together to reduce the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia. We, as a society, cannot immediately leave the eradication of this problem to the government or health. We can help you deal with one of the biggest health problems in Indonesia, such as:
- Provide nutritious and full nutrition for the family, especially for the baby (both in the womb until after birth);
- Maintain cleanliness around;
- Familiarizing a healthy lifestyle, for example, getting used to washing hands with running water and using soap;
- Having an understanding of stunting itself; and
- Having awareness in maintaining the baby’s development can be done by checking the womb during pregnancy and routinely checking the growth and development at the neighborhood health center or health center.
As mentioned in the last point, we must always monitor the child’s growth and development in addition to providing nutritional patterns of nutrition. It can be measured independently at home, or the cadres or health-related parties can take measurements in every house that has been recorded at the health center in each region (because during this pandemic requires us to stay at home).
Anthropometric Measuring Instrument for Stunting
In taking measurements to detect stunting symptoms, we provide various tools and packages that suit you. Here are the different Stunting Kit packages that we have:
1. Anthropometry Kit SK – 92

2. Anthropometry Kit SK – 95

3. Anthropometry Kit SK – 96

4. Anthropometry Kit SK – 98

5. Anthropometry Kit SK – 99

Anthropometry Kit – Custom SK
In addition to the packages we have explained above, we can also meet the needs of stunting detection devices as you requested. Both in the type of equipment, functions, up to the price of the tool you can consult directly with our team.
How to get a Stunting Kit product?
If you are interested in buying a Stunting Kit package from us, you can visit the following link or contact us by pressing the WhatsApp icon in the lower right corner. Don’t hesitate if you just want to ask for prices or ask for more detailed information about our special products, because we will always serve you kindly.
Let’s Prevent and Detect Stunting with the RIGHT, FAST AND ACCURATE using Stunting Kit, Because Preventing Stunting Is Important!