In Javanese language, “oncek” means peel. Besides “oncek”, there are also “sudet”. “Sudet” similarly means peel. For any conditions, the three words can work alternately. Cigarettes Peel Machine is the machine to peel the damage cigarettes stick. It can split ambri paper and tobacco or clove. So, the tobacco and the clove can be reuse for the next cigarettes production.

Cigarettes Industry need Cigarettes Peel Machine to peel the damaged cigarettes stick. The damaged cigarettes stick are the unperfect cigarettes that not suitable with the standard of the industry. So, the industry can not sell the damaged cigarettes stick.
The rolling process of Hand Clove Cigarettes done by human have opportunity to reject or have unperfect shape. In other word, the cigarettes stick was damaged. The damage cigarettes automatically can not proceed to the next process. Meanwhile, just let the damaged cigarettes can not give profit for cigarettes industry.
So, what the industry can do? Is there are any solutions to avoid the cigarettes industry from losses due to the damaged cigarettes stick? Solo Abadi offering the solutions of the problem. Let it know, what is the solutions that we are offer. What the solutions is the best solution for the problem of the damaged cigarettes in industry?

Cigarettes industry can do this bellowing instruction to make the damaged cigarettes profitable. The damaged cigarettes must be split for separate the ambri paper and tobacco or clove. The function is how the tobacco and the clove can be reuse. Reuse or using again the tobacco and clove can decrease potential loss of cigarettes industry.
Machine for Hand Clove Cigarettes
Light Cigarettes Slitting Machine is machine to peel the damaged cigarettes stick that produced and design by Solo Abadi. Function of the cigarettes peel machine is for replace the process of peel the damaged cigarettes manually. Hand Clove Cigarette’s labor peel the damaged cigarettes manually one by one. They do their work with knife or another sharp object. Besides need more time, peel the damaged cigarettes manually can br harmful for labor safety.
Light Cigarettes Slitting Machine designed to give technological role for the production process of Hand Clove Cigarettes. Light Cigarettes Slitting Machine have not function to replace labor work in Hand Clove Cigarettes. Cigarettes Peel Machine present as a solution for Hand Clove Cigarettes industry. Using cigarettes peel machine can increase level of productivity in process of separate tobacco or clove from ambri paper. Meanwhile, using cigarettes peel machine can avoid the labors from work accident.
Light Cigarettes Slitting Machine
Light Cigarettes Slitting Machine especially designed for split ambri paper with tobacco or clove. The purpose is the tobacco or clove can be reused. This cigarettes peel machine can peel the damaged cigarettes with diameter and any length.

Light Cigarettes Slitting Machine has a minimalist and elegant design, so that it make easy to move for another place. Maximum capacity of hopper for 100 sticks. Meanwhile, maximum slitting speed are 150 sticks for a minute. Cigarettes peel machine produced by Solo Abadi can save more energy. Using machine that can save more energy can decrease the production cost of Hand Clove Cigarettes. Therefore, cigarettes industry get more profit if they are using Light Cigarettes Slitting Machines.
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