What Causes Stunting in Children? Let Moms Understand One by One!

Stunting is a condition when a child experiences chronic malnutrition that occurs during the early period of child growth and development. According to Media Indonesia, the Stunting’s Rate in Indonesia in 2020 will reach 30.8%.

It can result in a child experiencing growth that is slower than his age. Even worse, their brain development will also be disrupted. Therefore, stunting must be prevented quickly so that the future of the child can be better. One of the prevention of stunting that you can do is to know the causes that can cause stunting in children.

Causes of Stunting in Children!

The main cause of stunting is chronic malnutrition or acute nutrition from the time the baby is in the womb to the early period of the child’s life (1,000 days since in the womb). This is a serious problem for the government and all of us, because in 2020, children who experience acute malnutrition under 5 years of age will increase by 15% according to UNICEF.

Several factors lead to chronic malnutrition, namely:

  1. The factors of malnutrition experienced by pregnant women and children under five;
  2. Lack of knowledge of mothers about nutrition before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after giving birth;
  3. Limited access to health services, including pregnancy and postnatal services (after delivery);
  4. Lack of access to clean water and sanitation; and
  5. Lack of access to nutritious food due to inability to pay.

How to Detect Stunting in Children!

After knowing the causes of stunting in children, mothers must know how to detect stunting. Stunting can be detected by taking measurements regularly on children.

These measurements include, measurement of height, measurement of body weight, and measurement of head circumference and arm circumference (LILA). To carry out these various measurements, of course we need the right tools in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No.2 of 2019.

What are the tools used to detect stunting?

In taking measurements regularly, we need fast, precise and accurate tools so that the maximum results are obtained. To answer this need, Solo Abadi provides various Anthropometric Kit – SK packages to detect stunting.

1. Anthropometry Kit SK-92

2. Anthropometry Kit SK-95

3. Anthropometry Kit SK-96

4. Anthropometry Kit SK-98

5. Anthropometry Kit SK-99

Anthropometry Kit – SK: The Best Tool for Detecting Stunting

Solo Abadi always tries its best in creating a product, as well as for the Anthropometry Kit – SK package. With the various processes we have done, the Anthropometry Kit package from the Stunting Kit is the best tool for detecting stunting!

How to Get Kit-SK Anthropometry Package?

If you are interested in getting the Anthropometry Kit – SK package to detect stunting precisely, quickly and accurately, you can directly contact us via Whatsapp at 62851 – 0088 – 8111 or visit the following link.


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