Benefits of Using an Anthropometry Kit to Perform Stunting Detection

As you all read, we are always tries to tell and make campaign about how crucial it is to prevent stunting, especially for Indonesia. In addition to working to improve healthier human resources to achieve better public progress, all Indonesian children of the country have the right to be able to live healthily without exception. …

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Things that should be done by pregnant women to prevent stunting

As we discussed in the Causes of Stunting in Indonesia, many factors can cause a child to experience stunting. One of the factors of stunting is that 60% of children aged 0-6 months do not get breast milk exclusively from their mothers. Also, we provide a little information that stunting is also affected by a …

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The Causes of Stunting Condition in Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the countries that is still struggling with severe nutrition problems. This is evidenced by many cases of malnutrition in child health problems. Malnutrition is an impact of nutritional status. According to UNICEF, stunting has happened in children aged 0 to 59 months, with a height that below minus; based on child …

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The Greatest Stunting Tool You Need To Know

The problem of stunting is a problem that is being massively overcome by the Government of Indonesia. We can see in several places, we often encounter government tagline related to stunting. This shows how the government is so intense in conducting stunting prevention and detection campaigns in Indonesia. However, before that, we will suggest you …

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Various Causes of Stunting in Children Around the World

Stunting is often campaigned and is still the main program for health agencies throughout the world. Quoted from, stunting is a condition in which children experience growth failure due to chronic malnutrition and various illnesses during childhood. This happens especially when the fetus is still in the womb until the first 1000 days of …

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