Previously we discussed the importance of using anthropometry in making mass products. Or discuss the relationship between anthropometry and the surrounding environment. Did you know that anthropometry is not solely concerned with these things? Some anthropometric applications, for example, can be used in architectural, military and even medical or medical sciences.
According to Johann Sigismund Elsholtz, a scientist who once made a book entitled “Anthropometria” which contains learning about anthropometry. Said that the use of anthropometry is a valuable measurement strategy for various fields such as medical practice, physiognomy, art, and ethnicity. This is the background of this paper, where we want to elevate the usefulness of anthropometry in medical science.
This time, we will discuss together about the application of anthropometry in medical science. However, what is anthropometry and the function of the anthropometry itself?First, anthropometry is a science used to measure the dimensions of the human body. The dimensions of the human body are measured in such a way as to create a tool that is used to assist human activity. So, in this case, an ergonomic function is created.
What is the relationship between Medical Sciences and Anthropometry?
Before understanding about the relationship between medicine and anthropometry. We better learn first about medical science. Medical science includes many subjects that try to explain how the human body works. Starting with basic biology which is divided into anatomy, physiology and pathology with several biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology and genetics.
Basic knowledge of medicine includes about how body functions work. In this case, for example, to be able to diagnose a disease, a doctor or researcher first needs to understand how the body functions are fit and healthy, and how healthy the body shape and size should be.

From the brief explanation above, it can be concluded that medical science is closely related to the shape of the human body. The shape of the human body can of course be measured using anthropometric concepts.
The Importance of Anthropometry in Medical Sciences
In a journal entitled ‘The Role of Craniofacial Anthropometry in Medicine’ written by Shah and Koirala, the first known racial classification system was made in the 17th century when a French doctor named Francosis Bernier divided the human race based on facial appearance and body type. So, the science of anthropometry in the medical field is very ancient.
One of the medical studies through anthropometric measurement was when forensic anthropologists measured 90 skulls, they could precisely determine the continent of origin of the owner. This is because the anthropometric data obtained is then processed and a conclusion is taken. The level of accuracy can be up to 80%. In addition, human face measurements from 3D face images can help diagnose patients with Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), even across ethnically different populations.

For this reason, body dimensions are influenced by ecology, biology, geography, race, gender, and age. Anthropometry has become an important tool in genetic condition studies, especially as a diagnostic aid for clinical geneticists. However, there are still many practice doctors who do not carry out patient anthropometry for several reasons, such as:
1. The exact measurement in certain situations is unknown
2. Normative reference data is not available; or analysis and interpretation of the data is confusing
Normative anthropometric data is usually used in the evaluation and diagnosis of an illness. In this case, further development of the multivariant approach will enhance the application of anthropometry as a means of identifying and classifying syndromes and documenting the natural history of many disorders. Continued collaboration between doctors, geneticists and anthropologists for patient collection and assessment and normative data is very important if this goal is to be realized.
Application of Anthropometric currently only used by medical experts who really want to learn about a genetic condition to be observed. In fact, every doctor should be expected to understand the importance of measuring the dimensions of the human body.
Some of the above is the explanation why anthropometry is an important study in the medical world. This is not a condition that just happened. However, even since anthropometry was discovered, medical interests have become one of the things used in applying this science.