Recognize 7 Causes of Child Stunting! Young Mothers Must Know.

In the course of a child’s growth, understanding the factors that can affect their growth is very important for parents, especially for young mothers. The causes of stunting, or stunted physical growth, are a serious concern in an effort to maintain the health and well-being of children. In this article, we will discuss seven causes …

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Design Comfortable Train Seats, Practice Anthropometry!

Comfortable train seats should be designed with anthropometric aspects in mind. Train seats are things that must be considered when we use train transportation modes. The reason is, train seats affect the movement of passengers. Especially when traveling long distances, train seats are key in determining the comfortable motion of the body. The shape of …

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Easier to Find Prices of Anthropometry E-Catalog Kits Here!

The procurement of anthropometry kits is being intensively emphasized by the government. Because the anthropometry kit is a set of tools used in stunting detection which includes measuring height, weight, and upper arm and head circumference. That way, the existence of anthropometry kits is mandatory in every posyandu in Indonesia. Anthropometry procurement has been budgeted …

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About Stunting Prevalence: Definition, How Is It Measured, and It’s Purpose

Ever since stunting emerged as a critical concern in Indonesia and gained recognition as a national health priority, the phrase “stunting prevalence” has frequently come up. Stunting prevalence is commonly employed to quantify the occurrence of stunting cases in a specific region, utilizing collected data. But what precisely does prevalence signify, how is it measured, …

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The Importance of Medical Equipment Design Compatibility with Human Body Dimensions

Health is a precious aspect of our lives. Therefore, when someone falls ill, medical treatment and procedures are necessary to ensure their recovery. There are various factors that can support the process of medical treatment and care, one of which is hygienic and properly designed medical equipment. Medical equipment is one of the key pillars …

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