Ever since stunting emerged as a critical concern in Indonesia and gained recognition as a national health priority, the phrase “stunting prevalence” has frequently come up. Stunting prevalence is commonly employed to quantify the occurrence of stunting cases in a specific region, utilizing collected data. But what precisely does prevalence signify, how is it measured, and what role does it play?
The following article will cover everything you want to know about the word prevalence. Starting from the meaning of words, how to measure them to their function and application in everyday life.
About Stunting and Prevalence
Based on The Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), prevalence in the field of medicine or health means the total number of disease cases that occur at a certain time in an area. This means that the term prevalence is used as a representation of the number of cases of disease that occur. Meanwhile, when measuring the frequency of diseases that occur in the field, you can use the terms prevalence and incidence. Both are part of the terms in the epidemiology of a disease.

However, there are differences in the use of the terms prevalence and incidence in assessing the frequency of cases. Incidence is used to calculate the proportion of new cases in a certain period. Meanwhile, prevalence is used to calculate the proportion of old cases and new cases in a certain period.
The frequency of cases plays a crucial role in assessing the disease burden within a particular area and establishing a priority ranking. This priority ranking can be valuable in assisting healthcare professionals in determining which diseases or disorders should be addressed as a top priority within that area.

It is also how prevalence plays role in defining stunting cases in Indonesia, to measure how much the disease influencing certain area.
Instances of How the Term “Prevalence” is Applied in Indonesia.
As previously noted, prevalence is employed to characterize the state and occurrence rate of disease cases. It is utilized to quantify the frequency of stunting cases in Indonesia and is also applied to indicate the occurrence rate of COVID-19 cases during the recent pandemic.
In a sentence, the application of the term prevalence can be used as follows:
- Stunting Prevalence in Indonesia Declines to 21.6% from 24.4%.
- From an epidemiological perspective, the prevalence of COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is on a rapid rise globally.
- In line with the Riskesdas 2018 survey, the incidence rate of schizophrenia in Indonesia stands at 6.7 per 1,000 households.
- As reported by Riskesdas in the Indonesian Ministry of Health’s 2021 findings, the prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia is at 34.1%.
How to Measure the Prevalence of Stunting
After understanding the meaning and application of the term prevalence, now is the time for us to understand how to measure prevalence, especially stunting cases. The following are the steps that need to be taken to overcome the prevalence of stunting:
Point Prevalence Rate = Number of old and new sufferers at one time ÷ population x 100%
For instance, consider sub-district A, where there are 1,000 children, and initially, 5 of them were identified as stunted. Now, an additional 5 children have been diagnosed with stunting. To proceed, apply the following formula using the available data:
Point prevalence rate = (5+5) ÷ 1000 x 100% = 1%
Based on this formula, the prevalence of stunting in sub-district A is 1%, meaning that for every 100 children there is 1 child who is indicated as a case of stunting. Therefore, to achieve zero stunting, a number of preventive interventions need to be carried out. One way is to detect stunting early by measuring anthropometry.
The Most Accurate Anthropometric Measuring Tool for Early Detection of Stunting
Anthropometric Kit – SK TKDN produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is a package of anthropometric measuring tools to detect stunting from toddlers. This package consists of a Portable Stadiometer, Infantometer Board, Digital Adult Scale, Digital Baby Scale, LILA Tape and also an Anthropometric Bag.
The specifications for the Anthropometric Kit – SK TKDN have been adapted to KMK HK 01.07/MENKES/1919/2022 regarding the complete specifications for the anthropometric kit package. Solo Abadi’s Baby Scales and Digital Adult Scales are connected to the MetrisisApp application which can be downloaded on the Google Play Store.

Contact us to Order Anthropometric Measurement Tools Products
Get and order anthropometric measuring instruments at the best prices from Solo Abadi by filling in the available ask for price. Purchases for institutional purposes can be purchased directly through the consolidated anthropometric e-catalog storefront from the Ministry of Health. You can also connect directly via WhatsApp, we are ready to contact you immediately.