Giving Prohe is a term in the period of giving Complementary Food for Breast Milk (MP-ASI). Prohe can be given from the age of 6 months when the baby has received MP-ASI.
Prohe stands for animal protein. Giving prohe Animal protein nutrition is very important for baby growth. Protein given to babies aged 6-12 months requires 8.8 grams of protein every day, while 1-3 years requires 13 grams of protein every day.

The protein content in every food is very useful for building and repairing all body tissues, including muscles and organs. Protein consists of enzymes that create chemical reactions in the body and hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood.
Without protein intake, the body will fail to grow well, lose muscle mass and experience problems with the heart and respiratory immune systems. Therefore, it is very important and must be considered by moms regarding the provision of food given to the little one.
Foods Containing Protein
Giving animal protein, don’t forget to include protein in your little one’s MPASI menu. Here are the types of animal protein that can be used as baby MPASI:
- Eggs: One egg contains 7 grams of protein, namely, 16.5% from the yolk and 10.9% from the white. Giving one egg in baby food every day can effectively reduce the risk of stunting.
- Chicken Meat: Every 100 grams of chicken meat contains 27 grams of protein, as well as iron, magnesium, vitamins and phosphorus which are very important to support the growth and development of your little one. Chicken meat contains kaolin and vitamin C which can support the cognitive development of MPASI babies, and contains antioxidants and is rich in minerals such as iron, selenium, magnesium, vitamins and phosphorus
- Chicken Liver: This protein contains all types of amino acids needed by babies. In addition, chicken liver contains vitamins, vitamin B, iron and zinc. In 28 grams of chicken day there are 3.6 mg of iron, important to prevent iron deficiency anemia in babies which can have a negative impact on cognitive function, behavior and motor skills. in a day babies need to eat 85 grams of chicken liver.
- Beef: is a source of animal protein, iron and folic acid that is easily digested to help optimize baby growth and development. Can prevent iron deficiency anemia which is at risk of causing stunting.
- Fish: contains complete essential amino acids that can help trigger the activity of one of the protein complexes in the body called mTOR. When mTOR is activated, physical growth increases so that children grow taller.
When giving prohe, moms must pay attention to the right level of food maturity. Because prohe that is not or undercooked can actually cause bacteria for the little one, which can cause digestive problems.
Causes of Diarrhea Problems During MPASI

When your little one experiences diarrhea during MPASI, it is normal because your little one’s digestion is still weak and sensitive. That is why moms are advised to give MPASI to children gradually.
The first MPASI is given by giving porridge or fruit in a pureed way. It should be given with a pure taste to find out or identify the reaction of the food to the child. This aims to introduce pure taste to the baby.
In giving Prohe MPASI, the baby experiences diarrhea, meaning that the food given to the little one is not suitable. It is better to stop giving it for a while, or replace it with other foods.
Generally diarrhea is caused by rotavirus bacteria that can cause digestive disorders in toddlers. When your little one experiences it, the nutrients in the food cannot be absorbed perfectly by the digestive system, so it comes out in the form of excess fluid.
Overcoming Your Little One’s Diarrhea Problem
To overcome diarrhea caused by food, moms, stay calm, there are several things you can do to overcome it:
- Give breast milk or formula milk: give more formula milk than usual to prevent dehydration and provide nutrition to the baby.
- Don’t panic and don’t stop MPASI. Babies still need nutrition from solid foods and stopping MPASI can cause nutrition in babies.
- Try giving foods that are easy to digest such as potatoes, bananas and mashed rice to restore the baby’s digestion.
- Limit foods that are difficult to digest or foods that have the potential to cause allergies.
- If diarrhea lasts for 24 hours accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, consult a doctor immediately.
Diarrhea that occurs in babies during MPASI may be a common problem, but it can be overcome by paying attention to the food given and also paying attention to how to clean it, the way it is given or cooked must be ensured to be cooked properly so as not to cause infection due to bacteria that stick to the food.
Best and Certified Anthropometry Kit Recommendations
Anthropometry is a tool used to measure weight, length or height, and head or upper arm circumference. Anthropometry is an important tool for detecting stunting in children.

Metrisis-Anthropometry is the best and certified tool for measuring. Now PT SOLO ABADI INDONESIA provides anthropometry kit packages according to needs. Our products already have TKDN certification of more than 25%. Our products are widely owned and used by many Clinics, Hospitals, Health Centers and Health Offices in Indonesia.
This tool is suitable to complement the integrated health post facilities, the SK TKDN Anthropometry kit consists of adult scales, baby scales, stadiometers, infantometers, LILA measuring tools (to measure head circumference and arm circumference).
Get the best anthropometry kit from PT SOLO ABADI INDONESIA through several ways. Purchases for agency needs can be obtained through the E-catalog in the medical equipment display case. You can also connect directly via WhatsApp, we are ready to contact you immediately.