Recently, the term anthropometry has become widely known through stunting prevention campaigns in Indonesia. However, it turns out that anthropometric science and measurements have a much wider range of roles. So what exactly does anthropometry mean? Why is its role so crucial in everyday life? Let’s discover anthropometry together!
Anthropometric measurements are generally known and used as a reference in designing products and work systems. The use of anthropometry in this aspect is also closely related to ergonomics. However, before discussing in more depth the use of anthropometry, let’s first understand the origin of the name anthropometry.
About Anthropometry
Anthropometry is a term derived from Ancient Greek, where “anthropos” means human and “metron” means measurement. It is commonly understood as the study that revolves around measuring the dimensions of the human body. Furthermore, as previously mentioned, anthropometry is a subset of the field of ergonomics, focusing specifically on the study of body size.

As stated by Sanders & McCormick (1987), anthropometry involves the measurement of body dimensions and physical attributes that hold significance in the design of everyday objects utilized by humans. Anthropometry’s applications are typically categorized into two types, namely:
1. Static Anthropometry
Static anthropometry, also known as structural anthropometry, pertains to the measurement of bodily dimensions in a fixed or standardized position. Some examples of static anthropometric measurements include body height, arm length, elbow height, thigh thickness, hip height, and various others.
2. Dynamic Anthropometry
As implied by its name, dynamic anthropometry involves measuring dimensions while the body is in motion or during activities. Examples of dynamic anthropometric measurements include the angle of hand rotation or ankle rotation.
History of Anthropometry
Anthropometry finds its origins in the ancient civilizations of Rome, Greece, and Egypt. During those times, it was employed to measure human body dimensions for purposes related to aesthetics and health. In the context of beauty, anthropometry was utilized in artistic creations that aimed to depict beauty, strength, and various other attributes inherent in the human form. Furthermore, achieving symmetry in these measurements was greatly esteemed, often accomplished by employing units of measurement like the width of a human hand or the length of a human foot.
In the Renaissance era, anthropometry was also used in the arts. Every work of art of that time required accurate human proportions in order to obtain precise anthropometric measurements.
Also Read: Here’s The History Of Anthropometry That People Don’t Know Yet!
The famous painter Leonardo da Vinci also applied anthropometry in his works. He illustrates humans based on the concept of the philosopher Vitruvius who stated that the navel is the center of the human body. When the arms and legs are spread apart, the field of view will be centered on the navel, covering the toes and hands, and maintaining the same distance between the soles of the feet and the head.
Function and Application of Anthropometry
When anthropometry was first discovered, it was widely used in the fields of art and aesthetics. Today, the science of anthropometry covers various fields such as medicine, product design, architecture, military, and even industry. The following are several roles and applications of this science in various fields to learn more about anthropometry:
1. Medical Science
Anthropometrics in medical science intersects with the fields of forensics and anatomy. In a forensic autopsy, measuring the dimensions of the human body is one of the most important things to pay attention to. Because in physical identification, measurements are needed on every inch of the human body that will be investigated.

Anthropometry in the health sector then expanded to include the fields of public health, K3, and physiotherapy.
2. Sports
Anthropometry in the field of sports is also quite crucial and massively applied, especially to find the physical potential of prospective athletes. Currently, the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports is aggressively looking for the talents of prospective athletes through anthropometric measurements carried out in schools.
3. Product Design, Room Design, and Architecture
Anthropometry also plays an important role in designing products, spaces, and work systems. Therefore, knowledge about the dimensions of the human body is also used in the fields of Product Design, Space Design, and Architecture.
4. Military
Apart from that, anthropometry is also used in the military, mainly as an aspect of selecting soldiers. In POLRI selection, for example, there is an anthropometric test, namely physical measurements for prospective students (cassis).
Considering its crucial role, the results of anthropometric measurements must be precise and accurate. One thing that needs to be considered so that this goal is achieved is to use of precise and accurate anthropometric measuring instruments.
Recommendations for the Best Anthropometric Measuring Instruments
Recommendation of Anthropometry Measurement Tool
Metrisis – Portable Anthropometry produced by Solo Abadi Indonesia is an anthropometric measuring instrument derived from an anthropometric chair that is packaged in a portable form so that the measuring instrument can be moved or carried anywhere easily. Befitting an innovation, portable anthropometry can be used to measure up to 100 dimensions of the human body.
The function of this tool is to carry out anthropometric measurements which are carried out carefully and prioritize data accuracy. This instrument offers measuring capability of up to 100 measurements. Besides that, its portable shape allows this tool to be used for unlimited time and can be done anywhere.
Following are the details of the Anthropometry Portable Kit product :
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Metrisis – Anthropometry Chair is an innovative anthropometric measurement instrument that can measure up to 34 dimensions of the human body. This measuring instrument is designed in the form of an adjustable chair to make it easier to measure in a standing, or sitting position, as well as measuring facial dimensions.

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