Dimensions of human anthropometric measurements include dozens of parts of the human body. Therefore, anthropometry is closely related to daily human activities. The other day, the editor of Solo Abadi discussed the anthropometry of shoulder breadth and its application. The article also explains the classification of shoulder breadth, namely biacromial and bideltoid. Biacromial anthropometric dimensions have been discussed together. For this reason, in this article, the Solo Abadi editorial team will discuss the anthropometric dimensions of bideltoid.
Get to know Anthropometry
Mentioned above regarding the term anthropometry, what is meant by anthropometry? Anthropometry is the study of the dimensions of the human body. The meaning of the word anthropometry itself comes from the Greek words “anthropos” (human) and “metron” (measurement). Generally explained, anthropometry is a study that is closely related to the measurement of the dimensions of the human body. And the science of anthropometry itself is part of the science of ergonomics which is specialized in studying body size.
Shoulder Breadth Bideltoid Anthropometric Dimensions
As mentioned, the scope of anthropometry is very broad, from the toes to the ends of the human head. Each of these dimensions has its own role. On this occasion the Solo Abadi editorial team will review the anthropometric dimensions of the Bideltoid shoulder breadth. This measurement dimension has actually been mentioned in an article titled Anthropometric Measurement Application of Shoulder Breadth Dimensions in Everyday Life.

Measurement of shoulder breadth or shoulder width has two dimensions or measuring parts, namely biacromial and bideltoid. Bideltoid itself is the maximum horizontal width at the shoulder, measured by the bulge of the deltoid muscle.
Also Read : Shoulder Breadth Bideltoid Measurement Using Portable Anthropometry
The Application of Bideltoid Measurement
Based on the Reval safety training, it is stated that the size of the helicopter passenger’s shoulder has an effect on the sitting position on board. Those with a shoulder width greater than 55.9 cm (22”) are classified as extra wide (XBR), and are required to sit in a helicopter seat next to a window that fits their shoulder size. Those with a shoulder width of 55.9 cm or less were classified as regular. The shoulder measurement for this case uses a shoulder breadth bideltoid measurement.

As mentioned, the bideltoid shoulder width measurement was applied as a sitting position protocol while boarding the helicopter. As a helicopter boarding procedure. Where the passenger sitting position is adjusted to the size of the shoulder width between the deltoids. In addition, bideltoid measurements can be used for room design and mass product purposes. Measurements are also widely used in the military field to calculate the proportion of soldiers and police. The measurement results must be carried out with precise anthropometric measuring instruments. The following are recommendations for the most accurate anthropometric measuring instruments.
The Most Accurate Anthropometric Measuring Tool
The results of anthropometric measurements in measuring shoulder width or shoulder breadth bideltoid must be accurate and precise. Therefore, a measuring instrument is needed that supports these accurate results. Here the recommendation of the best measuring tools that could be used :
Portable Anthropometry Kit
Metrisis – Portable Anthropometry by Solo Abadi Indonesia, Inc. is an anthropometric measuring instrument derived from the anthropometric chair which is packaged in a portable form, so that the measuring instrument can be moved or carried anywhere easily. Like an innovation, portable anthropometry can be used to measure up to more than 100 dimensions of the human body.
Also Read : Functions and Advantages of Portable Anthropometry Kit
The function of this tool is to carry out anthropometric measurements that are carried out carefully and prioritize the accuracy of the data. This instrument offers measurement capabilities of up to 100 measurements. In addition, its portable form makes this tool can be used unlimited time and done anywhere.
Anthropometric kits from SOLO ABADI have been sent to various departments in Indonesia. Currently, 8 Portable Anthropometry kits from SOLO ABADI have been used, one of which is the Department of Medicine, Islamic University of Indonesia. The following are the details of the Anthropometry Portable Kit product.
Contact Us To Get Anthropometry Products
Get an anthropometric measuring instrument from Solo Abadi by filling in the available ask for price. You can also connect directly through our WhatsApp, because we are ready to contact you immediately.