Size of Face Golden Ratio Proportion with Portable Anthropometry

Having an ideal face proportion is everyone’s dream. Because an attractive appearance can boost confidence in an individual. The golden ratio of the face of the golden ratio itself is the standard of the ideal proportion of a person’s face. What if you are solid yourself? Are your facial proportions ideal? Let’s find out together …

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Recognizing Microcephaly Disorders in Children Indicated Stunting

Stunting is still a frightening specter that threatens the future of the next generation. The reason is that stunting does not only affect a child’s height. Stunting can cause various disorders that can be fatal in the long run. Degenerative disorders such as heart disorders, cancer, diabetes to obesity can occur. Even microcephaly abnormalities can …

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What is Glabella in Anthropometric Measurements?

Often we hear foreign terms when reading manuals or manuals on anthropometric measurements. Yesterday we talked about biacromial in anthropometric measurements, and fully understood the application of biacromial measurements. Now is the time for us to learn a new term, namely glabella in anthropometric measurements. Get to know Anthropometry Anthropometry or measurement of human dimensions …

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Getting to Know Anthropometry Tests to Evaluate Athlete Modalities

Anthropometry has a big role in various fields, including sports. A number of competitions apply anthropometric tests before athletes compete, one of which is in the National Sports Week. Anthropometric tests are carried out to assess the physical condition of an athlete. As discussed in the discussion of physiotherapy anthropometry, anthropometry also plays a role …

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Anthropometry in Badminton, Measure Athletes Body Composition

Anthropometry plays a role in almost all aspects of life. Fields such as the military, medicine, industrial engineering, sports, to architecture involve anthropometric measurements in their implementation. Especially in the field of sports, anthropometry has a significant role. As a science that studies the construction of the human body and the dimensions of body parts, …

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