What Causes Stunting in Children? Let Moms Understand One by One!

Stunting is a condition when a child experiences chronic malnutrition that occurs during the early period of child growth and development. According to Media Indonesia, the Stunting’s Rate in Indonesia in 2020 will reach 30.8%. It can result in a child experiencing growth that is slower than his age. Even worse, their brain development will …

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How to Clean an Anthropometric Chair with a Disinfectant and Save From Corona Virus

When the COVID-19 pandemic (or better known as coronavirus) appeared in various parts of the world, we are required to be more intelligent and aware of cleaning ourselves. As has been told in various places, we are all asked to always be diligent in cleaning up. Starting from routine cleaning your hands cleanly and correctly, …

Read MoreHow to Clean an Anthropometric Chair with a Disinfectant and Save From Corona Virus

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