Serving 24 Hour Inpatient Services, Here’s the Definition of Poned Health Center!

poned services

Poned Health Center stands for basic emergency neonatal obstetric services abbreviated as poned. The poned health center itself is a service to overcome obstetric and neonatal emergencies that occur in pregnant women, maternity mothers, and postpartum mothers with threatening obstetric indications. What is the poned health center further? And is it true to serve 24 …

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Why Anthropometry Kit is an Important Tool that Must Be Available at the Health Center?

Anthropometry Kit is now a must-have tool in every puskesmas in Indonesia. The reason is that this was urged by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Namely Mr. Joko Widodo when discussing the prevalence of stunting in early 2023. Mr. President ordered the Minister of Health to meet the need for anthropometric kits in …

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In 2023 Solo Abadi is Ready to Meet the Needs of an Anthropometry Kit!


PT Solo Abadi Indonesia, Surakarta — Entering 2023, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is ready to welcome the need for anthropometric kits for the Health Office, Posyandu, Puskesmas, as well as the needs anthropometric kits in villages throughout Indonesia to alleviate stunting. As the largest manufacturer of anthropometric kit tools in Indonesia, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia …

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As the Largest Anthropometry Kit Manufacturer, Solo Abadi Conducts Function Tests to More Than 20 District/City Health Offices in Indonesia

solo abadi conducts function tests to the District/City Health Office

Surakarta, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia — As the largest anthropometry kit manufacturer in Indonesia, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia conducted a test of the function of the anthropometric kit for the district/city health office. As of now, Thursday (30/6/2022) the marketing team from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia has tested the function of anthropometric kits in more …

Read MoreAs the Largest Anthropometry Kit Manufacturer, Solo Abadi Conducts Function Tests to More Than 20 District/City Health Offices in Indonesia

4 Standardized Antropometry Kit by the Ministry of Health

The Anthropometry Kit is a suite of tools for assessing the size, proportion and composition of the human body. Anthropometry Kit is also an important component in detecting stunting in children. To detect stunting, it is important to use Standardized Anthropometry Kit by the Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health) and refers to Permenkes (Minister …

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