If the first child is born with a stunting condition, is the second child also indicated stunting? Perhaps some parents also have concerns about the condition of stunted children. Because the danger of stunting can haunt a child’s growth period in the long term. Once giving birth to a child with stunting conditions, will it be sustainable with the next child? Let’s see the full explanation in the following article.

Read More: Categories of Stunted Children by WHO That Need to Be Studied
What Is Stunting?
As is known, stunting is one of the world’s health problems that need to be watched out for. Stunting is a condition of failure to grow in children in the first 1000 days of life or up to the age of 2 years caused by a lack of nutrition. As a result, the growth of children is delayed compared to their peers. Indications of stunted children can be seen from the posture of height and weight that do not increase during anthropometric measurements. In addition, the growth graph has also experienced a significant decline.
According to WHO, children with indications of stunting when their length or height is measured are below -2 standard deviation (SD). Stunching has a short and long-term impact. The short-term impact on children will be impaired in cognitive, physical, and metabolic development. Meanwhile, in the long term, children will experience low learning period disruptions, increased risk of chronic diseases, and are susceptible to infection.
Stunting conditions are caused by nutritional problems, mainly from the mother’s pregnancy to her developmental age. However, there are other causes of stunted children, including the following:
- Lack of nutritious food for a long period.
- Lack of knowledge of mothers about parenting and providing nutritious intake to children.
- Low access to highly nutritious food patterns.
- Mothers do not carry out maximum postpartum care, especially breastfeeding.
- The mother has mental disorders and hypertension.
- Lack of access to clean water sanitation.

The First Child Is Stunted Is the Second Child Also Stunted?
Children with stunting conditions are characterized by short stature with a height below normal called dwarfism. Nutritional intake in its golden age is delayed due to several factors. Above it is stated that stunting is caused not due to genetic factors from parents or offspring. Stunting occurs due to disturbances in nutrition problems and environmental factors.
Stunting can also occur during the mother’s pregnancy. If at this time the mother does not consume enough nutrition, she can give birth to stunted children with low birth weight. So if the first child is born with stunting conditions, it is not necessarily the second child who can have the potential to be stunted. Because no research mentions this.
Read More: Alert! Hypertension During Pregnancy Can Trigger The Birth of Stunted Children
Accurate Child Anthropometric Measurements With This!
To find out the indications of stunting in children, anthropometric measurements can be made which include measurements of body length, height, weight, and measurements of the circumference of the upper arms and head. This measurement can be done at the nearest health clinic. The following is a list of frequently used child anthropometric measurement tools:

- Stadiometer/Height Measuring Device
- Infantometer Board/Body Length Measuring Instrument
- Digital Weight Scale
- Digital Baby Weight Scale
- LILA/Upper Arm and Head Circumference
PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is the largest manufacturer of anthropometric measuring instruments in the country that has been used by more than 1000 health agencies in Indonesia. It has also received verification and standardization from the Ministry of Health.
You can contact us via WhatsApp Admin to get the best price quote from us. Also available in the government E-Catalog. Stay up to date with our updates on www.soloabadi.com.