Body Height Measurement by Using Anthropometric Chair

Anthropometric Chair is the best option to measure anthropometric of human body dimensions. This anthropometry measurement tool can measure 34 dimensions of the human body in various positions: sitting, standing, and on face area. Now, we would like to give a tutorial on how to measure body height below: Ensure the model of measurement is …

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The Relationship of Anthropometric Measurements and the Military Field

This time, we want to raise the topic of how anthropometric measurements in the military, whether land, sea, or air, are crucial matters. We chose this topic because there were quite a several questions relating to the relationship of the military and anthropometric measurements several times. Besides, we also have several customers who come from …

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Maximizing Demographic Bonuses by Overcoming Stunting Problems

If you still remember in our last article, we already mentioned that Indonesia would experience a phase called a demo graphic bonus. For those who did not know, a demo graphic gift is a potential economic growth that it occurs because the age structure of the population experiences significant changes. President of the Republic of …

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Essential Aspects of Conducting Appropriate and Relevant Sport Science


As we have mentioned in previous articles that we are already in the industry era 4.0. The learning process of sports should be something that also being developed. And take it seriouusly. One of the ways to develop it is to implement sports science. If we look at developing countries, the majority of them have …

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The Relationship of Anthropometric Measurements in Sports We Need to Know

First, we need to know about anthropometry. It explains about how to measure the dimensions of the human body, that it is usually do regularly. Usually, these are using in some fields such as industrial, health science and product design. But, did you know that anthropometric measurements were also carried out in the sports sector? …

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