Recognizing Microcephaly Disorders in Children Indicated Stunting

Stunting is still a frightening specter that threatens the future of the next generation. The reason is that stunting does not only affect a child’s height. Stunting can cause various disorders that can be fatal in the long run. Degenerative disorders such as heart disorders, cancer, diabetes to obesity can occur. Even microcephaly abnormalities can be triggered if the child is indicated to be stunting. So what exactly is microcephaly, and how do you deal with it? Let’s discuss!

What is Microcephaly?

Microcephaly is a disorder that occurs when the baby’s head size is less than 2 Standard Deviations or SD. This means that the baby’s head size is below the average age. The size of the head that grows not according to his age illustrates that the baby’s brain growth is less than optimal.

microcephaly stunting
Microcephaly illustration

This abnormal and optimal brain growth occurs because during his life the baby experiences nutritional deficiencies. During pregnancy, the baby’s head grows as the baby’s brain grows. Babies get microcephaly because the baby’s brain did not develop properly during pregnancy or the brain stopped growing after birth, resulting in a smaller head size.

This abnormal and optimal brain growth occurs because during his life the baby experiences nutritional deficiencies. During pregnancy, the baby’s head grows as the baby’s brain grows. Babies get microcephaly because the baby’s brain did not develop properly during pregnancy or the brain stopped growing after birth, resulting in a smaller head size.

Factors that Causing Microcephaly Disorder

Causes of microcephaly can be divided into primary and secondary. Primary microcephaly includes the condition of the cerebellum because it never formed either due to genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. Children who have a head circumference far below grade 3 elementary school tend to be classified as primary microcephaly. Secondary microcephaly occurs when brain growth declines due to certain causes. For example due to rubella virus infection, metabolic disorders, bacterial meningitis, lack of oxygen, to lack of nutrition in early life.

microcephaly stunting
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Malnutrition is one of the triggers for this disorder to occur. This issue is closely related to the stunting condition, which is currently being heavily echoed by the government and activists regarding its prevention. This relationship should be a concern that must be resolved from its roots.

Stunting Triggers Microcephaly Disorders in Children

Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive due to malnutrition in the first thousand days of a child’s life. This condition has a long-term effect on children and adults. Malnutrition in the womb causes the growth of the brain and other organs to be disrupted, which makes children more at risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, and heart problems. Brain growth that is not optimal also makes it difficult for children to be responsible for their own lives in the future.

Causes of microcephaly include infection, malnutrition, or exposure to toxins. Symptoms vary and include intellectual disability and speech delay. In severe cases, there may be spasms and abnormal muscle function. There is no cure for microcephaly. Treatment includes supportive care, symptom management, and close monitoring.

Tips to Prevent Stunting

The condition of microcephaly does not yet have a special and specific treatment that is effective in curing children. For this reason, the most effective way to avoid this condition is to prevent it from 1000 HPK or the first day of the baby’s life. Preventing stunting can help minimize the risk of children developing microcephaly.

microcephaly stunting

Here are tips that can be done to prevent children from being stunted :

  1. Meet the nutritional needs of babies from the time they are in the womb
  2. Get regular pregnancy checkups
  3. Exclusive breastfeeding until the baby is 2 years old
  4. Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke
  5. Apply a clean and healthy lifestyle
  6. Maintain immunity with exercise and vitamins
  7. Monitoring nutritional status with periodic anthropometric measurements, once a month

Get Accurate Head Circumferences Measuring Tool in Anthropometry Kit by Solo Abadi

PT. SOLO ABADI INDONESIA fully supports government policies to reduce stunting prevalence in Indonesia. We provide a variety of baby anthropometry measuring instruments with undoubted domestic quality. We can also provide Anthropometry Kits according to your needs. The measuring instrument products available in the Anthropometry kit produced by Solo Abadi are Infantometer board, Portable stadiometer, LILA measurement tool, Digital weighing scale and Anthropometry kit product storage bag

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Get an anthropometry kit from Solo Abadi by filling out the available ask for price. You can also connect directly through our WhatsApp, because we are ready to contact you immediately.

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