To this day, stunting is still a serious problem, involving various parties to solve it. This is because stunting causes a number of diseases in the long term. Diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity increase the risk if the child is indicated to be stunted. It doesn’t stop there, stunting can trigger weight faltering and reduce a child’s intelligence ability. The condition of the child is indicated by stunting who is not fit and is susceptible to this disease because his immune system is not primed. By preventing children from stunting, we help support the child’s immune system to avoid dangerous diseases.

The urgency of this stunting needs to be resolved before it is too late. The reason is, Indonesia will get a demographic bonus in 2045 where the population is very large. Of course, we don’t want to waste the demographic bonus by ignoring the stunting case. Because without stunting, Indonesians can become smart and healthy figures so that they can help build Indonesia to realize the Golden Generation in 2045.
Mengenal Stunting
As previously explained, stunting has a negative impact on children’s health and intelligence abilities. So what is the stunting condition like?
Stunting is a condition in which children’s nutrition is not met optimally. This is marked by not achieving the child’s height according to the average height of children his age. Many people say that stunting is caused by parents who have short stature. However, it turns out that genetic factors from parents do not have a big influence. The most influencing factors come from the environment and nutritional intake.

Stunting usually occurs when the child is still in the womb. It can be caused by lack of nutritional intake or the condition of the mother who is not fit and lacks energy. This condition begins to be detected when they enter the age of two, it can be seen from how the child’s body does not grow like friends his age. Stunting has recognizable symptoms. Here are some examples of symptoms that can be used as a benchmark for detecting stunting in children :
- The child’s face looks younger than the average child their age
- Have poor focus and study memory
- Late puberty
- Lighter weight than the average child his age
- The growth of the body and teeth does not match his age
- When they are 8-10 years old, children tend to be more quiet and timid. They don’t make much eye contact with those around them.
Factors Causing Stunting
As mentioned earlier, lack of nutritional intake is one of the factors that causes stunting to occur in children. However, it turns out that the scope of nutrition is very broad, there are several intakes that need to be considered. Not only the intake of children, the nutritional intake of the mother also needs to be considered.

The following are the factors that trigger stunting children :
- Mental Disorders and Hypertension in Mothers
- Exclusive breastfeeding that is not optimal
- Mother’s lack of knowledge about proper and balanced nutritional intake
- Ineffective parenting
- Children’s diet
- Child’s history of infectious disease
- The completeness of child immunization
The factors above are things that need to be considered, especially for solid friends who plan to have children. Because prevention of stunting is needed since the child is in the womb, so that orgonogenesis in the womb can occur optimally.
Also Read : Learn About Some Inhibiting Factors in Doing Stunting Prevention
Stunting Causes Immune Deficiency
As previously mentioned, children who are indicated to be stunted have immunity that is not as strong as normal children. The immune system or immunity itself is the body’s defense system against harmful organisms and germs. If the immune system does not work optimally, then the child will easily contract the disease.
If the child easily falls ill, it can be disturbed from the optimal growth and development process. That is why, it is important to pay attention to the child’s immunity which can help maintain his health condition in prime. Stunting triggers a child’s immune system to weaken, so it is necessary and important to prevent stunting in children. Healthy and smart children make Indonesia the golden generation of 2045!
Get Anthropometry Measurement Tools to Prevent Stunting
PT. SOLO ABADI INDONESIA fully supports government policies to reduce stunting prevalence in Indonesia. We provide a variety of baby anthropometry measuring instruments with undoubted domestic quality. We can also provide Anthropometry Kits according to your needs.
The measuring instrument products available in the Anthropometry kit produced by Solo Abadi are Infantometer board, Portable stadiometer, LILA measurement tool, Digital weighing scale and Anthropometry kit product storage bag

Get an anthropometry kit from Solo Abadi by filling out the available ask for price. You can also connect directly through our WhatsApp, because we are ready to contact you immediately.