As time goes by, the availability of large tracts of land to make residential homes increasingly difficult. Although it can still be found in one or other places, the price will be very high.
Everyone should think the answer to that problem cause the demand is increasing (but the availability is decreasing). The application of minimalism and ergonomics is one of the answers.
In architecture, minimalism is a design method whose aesthetics and functionality are fulfilled with the most basic and essential elements. So, the needs needed by each individual can be accommodated simply without reducing the aesthetic value.

Minimalist House (Source: Flickr)
History of the Application of Minimalism in Architecture
The application of minimalism itself had become a trend at the beginning of the 19th century. At the time, minimalism became an important movement because it had a breakthrough against the architectural style that had been mushrooming; using elements of decoration and ornaments.
This trend has strengthened again in London and New York in the late 1980s. The architects and fashion designers used the concept of simplicity by using white elements, lighting that seems cold, large spaces but minimal objects and furniture.
In Indonesia, the minimalist concept has been applied long ago. The community used wood as a material in creating traditional houses because wood is found around them easily. This includes applying the minimalist concept because they do not need to use material outside their area that they live in.
Change of Minimalist Meaning
At first, the application of minimalist architecture had the meaning of building construction that used makeshift materials, the price was not too expensive but it produced a beautiful building and was suitable to be occupied.
As time goes by, the meaning has changed. Buildings/ houses that apply modern minimalism have meanings such as building shapes that are uniquely designed, neat, clean without a lot of ornamentation, very prepositional and sometimes use bold colors to make it look attractive.
Application of Minimalism and Ergonomics
However, the most important factor in applying minimalism in architecture is ergonomics. Ergonomics has an important role in maximizing furniture or laying furniture.
The example of maximizing minimalism and ergonomics is placing the furniture in a cramped place by reducing the furniture’s sizes or dimensions as long as it still meets ergonomic requirements.

Maximizing Furniture in the Kitchen (Source: Flickr)
For example like a sofa that takes up too much space in the living room can be maximized by reducing its dimensions. The sofa that was originally 160 cm x 80 cm can be replaced with a smaller size to 140 cm x 70 cm.
Reducing the size or eliminating certain items in filling the architecture is not just for saving. Although minimalism means using goods as simple as possible, it does not mean that it will reduce the aesthetic value and also its function.
Therefore, the application of ergonomics is needed so that each item possessed has a high use value; reducing ornaments, shapes until furniture but still has an effective function.
The instruments that can be used in applying ergonomic values to minimalist style in architecture are Anthropometric Chair and Portable Anthropometry Kit.
Instruments for Applying Ergonomics in Minimalist Architecture
As a pioneer in producing anthropometric measuring instruments to maximize ergonomics in Indonesia, Solo Abadi has two leading brands. The followings are a brief description of our products:
1. Anthropometric Chair
The Anthropometric Chair is an anthropometric measurement tool used to measure the dimensions of the human body. The Anthropometric Chair is an option in applying the science of ergonomics found in minimalist design. This measuring instrument can measure up to 34 measurements of the human body.
Measurements of the Anthropometric Chair are divided into three parts, namely standing, sitting and face area. Measurement using the Anthropometric Chair is very simple, easy andd effective because our instrument is equipped with an electric jack.

2. Portable Anthropometry Kit
Portable Anthropometry Kit is the lastest anthropometric measuring product from Solo Abadi. This instrument was inspired by anthropometry that was discovered by Rudolf Martin, a scientist who studied anthropology. Portable Anthropometry Kit consists of various parts, namely anthropometer, sliding caliper, small and large spreading caliper.
Portable Anthropometry Kit can measure up to more than 100 dimensions of the human body. Measurements using our product are divided into three parts, namely standing, sitting and head area.

If you are interested in purchasing our special anthropometry measurement products, you can visit the following link (for Anthropometric Chair) and this link (for Portable Anthropometry Kit).
Or contact us by pressing the WhatsApp icon at the lower right corner.
Don’t hesitate if you just want to ask for prices or ask for more detailed information about our special products, because we will always serve you kindly.