How to find out the fetal heart rate using your hands? As the gestational age increases, fetal development also begins to be seen. One of them is a heart rate that can be detected at 10 weeks of pregnancy. Here’s an explanation of how to find out the fetal heart rate using your hands. Watch until the end!
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Fetal Heart Rate of Babies
Since pregnancy, mothers are required to check the development of the fetus regularly at the health center. Through regular monitoring and examination, the mother can find out the development of the fetus every week. One of the focuses of fetal examination is heart rate.
Fetal heartbeat is a term used to determine the condition of the fetus in the uterus. A normal heart rate develops in the first trimester of pregnancy at five months of age with an average of 110 per minute. Then in the ninth week of pregnancy, which is the second trimester, the heart rate can accelerate by 140 to 170 per minute. Furthermore, in the third trimester, the heart rate is at 110 to 160 per minute. However, this can decrease because the fetus has begun to move until the pelvis and the baby’s activity has begun to increase.
That way, the mother can find out the normal heart rate during five to six weeks of pregnancy. The heartbeat in the uterus serves as a replacement for the lungs in the abdomen. Because the baby in the womb does not breathe using the lungs but uses the baby’s heart. Not only that, the circulatory system is pumped directly from the baby’s heart which is connected to the umbilical cord to supply blood containing oxygen and nutrients.
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How To Know The Fetal Heart Rate?
The way to find out the fetal heart rate is by several things. However, there is one thing that is easiest to know the fetal heart rate, which is using your hands. The easy way is as follows:
- You can find a comfortable position when you are going to know your heart rate.
- Then find the baby’s position by pressing the abdomen using your hands and the mother will feel the hard abdominal area.
- After finding the baby’s position, place the fingertips on the hard area and press gently. When you do that, you will feel a rhythmic pulse sensation.
But it turns out that this way of knowing the heart rate using the hand is considered inappropriate. Because it could be that the tapping on the uterus is a movement of the baby’s activity. For this reason, you can use a tool to know the baby’s heart rate accurately. The following tools are used:
1. Stethoscope
During pregnancy checkups, doctors often use stethoscopes to find out the heart rate. This tool can also be used to check the fetal heart rate, in addition to being used for adults. With a stethoscope, the fetal heart rate can be heard at 18 to 20 weeks of gestation.
2. Fetoscope
The next tool is a periscope. A fetoscope is a device used to hear the fetal heartbeat using ultrasound technology. Its use is the same as a stethoscope and can be used when the gestation age enters 12 weeks.
3. Pinard Horn
A pinard horn is a tool used to determine the fetal heart rate made of wood. The use is to put the flat end on the doctor’s ear and the horn is attached to the abdomen of pregnant women who enter the age of 18 to 20 weeks.
4. Fetal Doppler
When the gestational age enters 8 weeks, an accurate tool for knowing the fetal heart rate is to use a fetal Doppler. A fetal doppler is a device with ultrasound technology that can reflect sound waves from the baby that describe the heartbeat.
5. Fetal Monitor
When gestational age enters the last trimester, the fetal heart can be known using a fetal monitor. In addition, fetal monitors are also used to monitor contractions in pregnant women.

Accurate Fetal Heart Detection With Metrisis Fetal Doppler
To get an accurate fetal heart rate check, here are recommendations for a heart rate device using Metrisis Fetal Doppler. PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is the largest manufacturer of medical devices in the country that has been standardized by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. One of the productions is Metrisis Fetal Doppler which is a domestic product that is accurate in health checks.

You can easily get Metrisis Fetal Doppler by contacting our WhatsApp Admin. It is also available in the government E-Catalog. You can also fill out an ASK FOR PRICE form to get a special quote from us. Stay up to date with our updates on