Difference between obgyn and obstetric doctors. There are still many who think that an ob-gyn doctor is interpreted as the same as an obstetrician. It turns out that the terms ob-gyn and womb are different in the medical fields. What makes it different? Check out the full article below.

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Definition and Difference between Obgyn and Obstetric Doctor
Obgyn doctors are doctors who focus on female reproduction and handle menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. The term ob-gyn stands for obstetrics and gynecology.
Obstetri itself comes from the Latin word obstare which means ready to stand by. Meanwhile, gynecology originates from the word gynecology which means woman. Obstetrics is a branch of health science that focuses on pregnancy and childbirth. Meanwhile, gynecology is a branch of health that focuses on the female reproductive system such as the vagina, uterus, and ovaries.
Thus, there is a difference between obstetrics and gynecology. Obstetrics is closely related to obstetrics whose main focus is on the maintenance and care of women’s health during the labor process. This obstetrician is called an obstetrician who provides prenatal health services, and pregnancy consultations to provide Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) guidance.
Meanwhile, gynecologists focus on the overall health of women’s reproductive organs. These reproductive organs include treatment of the uterus, vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and breasts. However, ob-gyn doctors are also closely related to obstetricians. This is because the focus of health is equally on women’s health issues. The doctor’s title is also called SpOG.
Obgyn Doctor and Obstetrician Services
Obgyn doctors are in poly obgyns located in hospitals or health clinics. The focus of the examination at this poly ob-gyn includes the following:
- Handling menstrual and menopausal problems, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual health disorders, and reproductive organ problems.
- Treatment of female fertility problems
- Diagnosing and treating hormonal problems
- Treatment of bleeding problems after childbirth
- Examinations related to pregnancy problems and also the handling of childbirth emergency cases.
- Biopsy examination and collection of uterine tissue (cervix) and cervical cancer prevention consultation.
- Childbirth services

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Meanwhile, poly obstetrics serves health such as:
- Treatment and prevention of women’s health problems.
- Examination for sexually transmitted infections
- Pelvic examination
- Ultrasound
- Blood tests
- Pregnancy, sex, health, reproduction, and infertility consultations
- Bleeding
- Breast disorders
- Hormonal disorders
- Infertility
- Endometriosis
- Pap smear and cervical cancer
- Menstrual disorders
- Hysterectomy
- Fertility treatments include egg retrieval for in vitro fertilization (IVF)
- Infertility counseling treatment
Mandatory Medical Devices for Poly Obgyn and Obstetrics
In supporting maximum health services at obstetric and gynecologist polyclinics, it is mandatory to have standardized medical equipment. PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is the largest medical device manufacturer in Indonesia that provides various medical equipment needs for obstetric and gynecological poly gynaecology. Medical equipment provided such as:

- Examination table
- Gynecological table
- Infusion pole or infusion stand
- Baby box or baby basket
- Examination lamp
- Tension device or sphygmomanometer
- Fetal Dopler or baby heart monitor
- Anthropometry kit

If you are looking for equipment to support health services at the primary clinic, we at PT Solo Abadi Indonesia provide various needs for you. You can easily get this equipment through us by contacting our Admin via WhatsApp. In addition, it is also available in our E-Catalog here. Don’t forget to get the latest information from us at www.soloabadi.com.