Get to Know 5 Pillars of Total Sanitation to Eliminate Stunting

By its definition, stunting refers to chronic nutritional problems in the long term and also is considered as a complex problem. Due to wider factor such as urbanization, socio-economic to parenting. However, there is one crucial thing that is often overlooked, namely, improved sanitation. How can an improved sanitation affect stunting prevention? Let’s look at the 5 pillars of total sanitation to prevent stunting!

WASH as One of the Priorities of WHO

Before knowing how improved sanitation have an impact on reducing stunting rates, it is necessary to know that sanitation is one of the programs of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) as a world public health issue. Along with stunting, there are two other interrelated issues, namely water feasibility and hygiene in its program, WHO summarizes it in WASH (Safe Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene).

Provision of improved WASH will have an impact on preventing the transmission of infectious diseases such as diarrhea, encompassing a broad range of bacterial, viral and protozoal enteric infection. According to WHO, deaths due to poor management of WASH cause 800,000 deaths worldwide or equal to 1.5% of the total global death burden. Including 5.5% of them are children.

How Does the Good Sanitation Help Eliminate Stunting ?

According to scholars, the influence of sanitation management on stunting prevention is complex and involves other aspects such as socioeconomic and water accessibility and affordability, as well as the supply of sanitation facilities. But what needs to be underlined is that infections caused by poor sanitation can lead to malnutrition. However, if we look back, this malnutrition is caused by diarrheal infections, worms, trachoma and schistosomiasis.

Studies conducted by WHO, categorize the effect of WASH on malnutrition as direct and indirect effects. The direct effect causes death from malnutrition and the indirect effect means death attributable to an increase in infection. Stunting is a disease that is attributed to an increase in infections due to poor sanitation. It should be underlined, that infections caused by poor sanitation, especially diarrhea, will cause of maternal and children to not be able to absorb nutrients perfectly so that in the long term it will cause chronic nutritional problems in the fetus and child.

5 Pillars of Total Sanitation to Eliminate Stunting

The Government of Indonesia has categorized WASH management as a focus of the National Mid-Term Development Plan. In addition, the Government of Indonesia has also provided sanitation facilities and clean water through the Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Program (PAMSIMAS) and the Community-Based Total Sanitation Program (STBM). These two programs are targeted to be completed in 2024. This is in accordance with the target of the stunting reduction program in Indonesia which is also targeted for completion in 2024. So that the Indonesian Government implements the 5 Pillars of Total Sanitation as follows:

  1. Wash hands with soap before and after eating, after using public facilities and before breastfeeding.
  2. Management of drinking water and household food
  3. Management of household waste
  4. Household liquid waste management
  5. Stop defecating indiscriminately

One thing that cannot be ignored is regular monitoring of health facilities such as Posyandu. The reason is, Posyandu has a regular program to distribute vitamin A and measuring of infant’s height to prevent stunting in early age.

Stunting Early Prevention by Body Measurement

The Indonesian government continues to strive to reduce the number of stunted children in Indonesia. One of the main efforts is routine monitoring of child development since the first 1000. Minister of Health Regulation sets standard baby measurement tools. It is the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 2 of 2019 such as Stunting Kit. These tools have been used in various health institutions in Indonesia.

Solo Abadi Indonesia, is the biggest producer of Medical Devices in Indonesia. Our company continues to support the #IndonesiaCegahStunting program by applying the standards of the Minister of Health Regulation in its product. For more information, please visit our website and contact us on WhatsApp for further consultation.

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