Anthropometric measurement dimensions of hip height or human hip height are used as anthropometric data in various fields of work. One of them is for designing equipment or work stations to match the design functions with the operators who use them. Human is the measure of all things, whereas the design of the tool and work station is in suitable with human body for the sake of efficiency.

Previously, measurement dimensions such as palm of the hand, shoulder breadth such as biacromial, glabella to the foot area have been reviewed by the Solo Abadi editorial team. Starting from the definition, measuring dimensions to the application of these areas of human body measurement have been thoroughly reviewed.
So, what are the applications of anthropometric measurements of hip height or hip height in everyday life? This article will explain complete information regarding the dimensions of anthropometric measurement of hip height and its implementation in everyday life.
What is Anthropometry?
Before reviewing in more depth the application of anthropometric measurements of hip height, we need to get to know anthropometry first. What exactly is meant by anthropometry? What are the uses?
Anthropometry is a term adapted from the Ancient Greek anthros which means human and metron which means measurement. So that linguistically, anthropometry is defined as human measurement. Narrowly, that is the purpose of anthropometry, measuring humans.
From the broader view, anthropometry is a science that is widely applied in various fields of science. Over time, experts continue to discover new benefits from this branch of knowledge. Today, anthropometry plays an important role in various fields. That are industrial design, clothing design, ergonomics, military, sports, medicine, public health and architecture. Anthropometry has even now been commonly used as an instrument for early detection of stunting.
Hip Height Anthropometric Measurement Dimensions
The anthropometric measurement dimension of hip height or hip height measures the vertical distance from the floor to the greater trochanter (a bony protrusion at the upper end of the femur, palpable on the lateral surface of the hip). This one body dimension serves as the center of rotation of the hip joint, thereby influencing the functional length of the lower limb.
Extremities themselves are limb of the body, there are two kinds of extremities, namely the upper and lower. The upper extremity includes the area of the shoulder that connects the arm and trunk, the upper arm, forearm and hand. The lower extremity includes the pelvic area which is connected to the femur, then the fibula, tibia, tarsal, to the soles of the feet.
Considering that hip height or hip height is a measurement from the floor to the pelvis, it means that the lower limbs are also included in the measurement. So what designs require anthropometric measurements of hip height?
Hip Height Anthropometric Measurement Application
Like other anthropometric measurements, hip height is also used as a design database. The design can be in the form of device designs or work systems used in the company.
Dimensions measure hip height or hip height from the floor to the greater trochanter, this measurement is used as a reference in designing. The measurement results can be used as a reference in designing clothing, estimating work systems, and designing buildings in architecture.

Measurements are taken to create ergonomic activity support devices, minimizing the possibility of accidents when used. This measurement can also be used as a reference for designing mobility aids for the disabled. It can also be used to determine the physical condition of athletes before competing to minimize the possibility of injury to the lower extremities.
Also Read: Here’s How to Measure Hip Height Accurately! Important to Know!
The Most Accurate Anthropometry Measurement Tool
Metrisis – Portable Anthropometry produced by Solo Abadi Indonesia is an anthropometric measuring instrument derived from an anthropometric chair that is packaged in a portable form, so that the measuring instrument can be moved or carried anywhere easily. Befitting an innovation, portable anthropometry can be used to measure up to 100 dimensions of the human body.
The function of this tool is to carry out anthropometric measurements which are carried out carefully and prioritize data accuracy. This instrument offers measuring capability of up to 100 measurements. Besides that, its portable shape allows this tool to be used unlimited time and can be done anywhere.
Following are the details of the Anthropometry Portable Kit product :
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Metrisis – Anthropometry Chair is an innovative anthropometric measurement instrument that can measure up to 34 dimensions of the human body. This measuring instrument is designed in the form of an adjustable chair to make it easier to measure in a standing, sitting position, as well as measuring facial dimensions.

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