As we all know, anthropometry has a broad role. Anthropometric measurements are utilized in some fields such as sports, military academies, physiotherapy, product design, industrial engineering, and much more. The measurement process is not far from the role of anthropometric measuring instruments, anthropometric measuring instruments have various types with different functions.
The term anthropometry itself is adapted from the Greek anthro which means human and metron which means measurement. In general, anthropometry is a study related to the measurement of the dimensions of the human body. The science of anthropometry itself is part of the science of ergonomics that is specialized in studying body size.

So what are the types of anthropometric measuring instruments and what are their functions? Check out the discussion below!
1. Anthropometric Chair
The first anthropometric measuring instrument is the Anthropometric Chair, as the name suggests this measuring instrument is in the form of a chair. Different from the chair in general which serves as a seat, the anthropometric chair. Its shape is similar to a chair, making this measuring instrument used to measure the dimensions of the body in a sitting position. Anthropometric chairs are widely used to support the mass production of an item, realizing ergonomic principles. Anthropometric chairs have a variety of materials, ranging from wood to metal.
Best Anthropometric Chair Product Selection
The Anthropometric Chair of Solo Abadi production is an anthropometric measuring instrument that can measure up to 34 dimensions of the human body. Anthropometric chairs can be applied to measure humans in a standing, sitting position and also measurement of the face area.

Solo Abadi’s anthropometric chair has been used by 29 universities in Indonesia. With a high degree of accuracy, the anthropometric Chair from Solo Abadi has been used by industrial engineering study programs at various Indonesian universities. One of them is at the Faculty of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Technology (FTMM) Universitas Airlangga which has used 2 anthropometric chairs from Solo Abadi.
2. Portable Anthropometry
Portable anthropometry forms innovation from anthropometric chairs, measuring instruments are packed portable for easy carrying anywhere. Portable anthropometric measuring instruments are used to measure body dimensions with non-fixed or fixed objects. Portable measurements are usually carried out in the field of forensic medicine, to measure corpses in a lying position. In addition, portable anthropometry can also be utilized in other fields such as room design, product design, to military academies.

Best Anthropometry Portable Product Selection
Metrisis – Portable Anthropometry produced by Solo Abadi is an anthropometric measuring instrument derived from an anthropometric chair packed in a portable form, aiming that the measuring instrument can be moved or carried anywhere easily. As an innovation, portable anthropometry can be used to measure up to more than 100 dimensions of the human body.
Measuring instruments available in Portable anthropometry:
- Anthropometer (Anthropometer Set, Sliding Block, Branches Measurement Curves)
- Sliding Caliper
- Large Spreading Caliper
- Small Spreading Caliper
3. Stadiometer
The next measuring instrument is a stadiometer or human height gauge. Similarly, portable anthropometric measuring instruments are also packaged portable to facilitate measurement anywhere. Usually stadiometers are made from a ruler or horizontal sliding headpiece designed in such a way as to be placed on top of the head. Stadiometers are generally operated for medical purposes, used for medical examinations, clinical trials to experiments.
Best Stadiometer Measuring Instrument Selection
Metrisis – Portable Stadiometer produced by Solo Abadi is an instrument used to measure human height. This measuring instrument is widely used to measure the height of children to adults.
Portable stadiometers can be the best choice for measuring height accurately and precisely, especially products that are packaged portable so that they are easy to carry anywhere and anytime.
1. Premium Quality
Portable stadiometers from the best high-resistant materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, and nylon so that the product is more durable. Produced following national standards and quality control that is always maintained
2. Accurate and easy-to-read measurement scale
The measurement scale is accurate and precise, clearly visible so that it is easy to read, and the installation is also easy to accompany a guide.
3. Accompanied by exclusive storage bags
Solo Abadi portable stadiometer is equipped with a storage bag that makes it easy to store or carry tools anywhere at any time. Moreover, the presence of storage bags can minimize the risk of equipment damage.
4. Skinfold Caliper
Skinfold caliper or skinfold caliper is a measuring instrument used to estimate the percentage of fat present in the body. Caliper skinfold measuring instruments are widely used to detect excess or lack of fat in the human body. The types of fat measuring devices circulating in the market include Slim Guide Skinfold Caliper, Harpenden Skinfold Caliper, Holatin Skinfold Caliper, Cercoft Skinfold Caliper, and Skydex Skinfold Caliper.

Best Skinfold Caliper Options
Metrisis – Skinfold Caliper produced by Solo Abadi is a measuring instrument for the thickness of human body skin folds with precision, the way it is used is to clamp the tool in certain body parts such as the chest, subscapular, modacrylic, suprailiac, abdomen, biceps, triceps, thighs, to calves. Here are the types of skinfold caliper produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia:
1. Harpenden Skinfold Caliper
Harpenden skinfold caliper is a tool used to measure the thickness of skin folds to calculate the percentage of fat in the body. The raw material used is of premium quality, the harpenden skinfold caliper is the most precise measuring instrument in fat measurement, its accuracy reaches 97%.
2. Slim Guide Skinfold Caliper
The slim guide skinfold caliper is a measuring device of body fat percentage through the skin layer of the body, in harmony with the function of the Harpenden skinfold caliper. This tool is an alternative option to measure fat percentage at a more affordable price. Use plastic material, so that the tool is lighter.
5. Weight Scales
The next measuring instrument is the weight scale. Weight scales are scales used to measure human weight. Weight measurement is important to do because weight is one of the indicators of a person’s nutrition. Not only to monitor the diet program, but weight measurements are also regularly important to monitor the baby’s nutrition. Weight scales have various types including baby scales, digital body scales, and also dacin scales.
Best Weight Scale Choices
Solo Abadi’s weight scales are the best choice of weight scales in the country that are packaged in digital form. The digital weight scales of Solo Abadi are made of tempered glass material, with an artistic design, and the weight scale is legible.

Digital weight scales from Solo Abadi have been adjusted to the level of measurement precision and specifications of the Ministry of Health Number 1995 / Menkes / SK / XII / 2010.
Get The Most Accurate Anthropometric Measuring Instrument from Solo Abadi
The results of anthropometric measurements in determining the dimensions of the human body must be accurate and precise. Then it is needed a measuring instrument that supports these accurate results. Anthropometric measuring products from Solo Abadi, have passed the TKDN test, and have met the criteria for medical devices from WHO, as stipulated in KMK No. HK.01.07-MENKES-57-2022.
Get an anthropometric measuring instrument from Solo Abadi by filling in the available ask for price. You can also connect directly through our WhatsApp, as we are ready to contact you immediately.