Why Height Size is Different When Measured at Morning and at Evening?

A person’s height is something that is monitored quite often in daily life, not infrequently some oddities begin to be realized when monitoring height that suddenly fluctuates or goes up and down, height size is different at morning and at evening, for example. What exactly causes height to decrease or increase when measured in the morning and evening? Let’s discuss together

Height Size Different When Measured at Morning and at Evening
Source : istockphoto.com

Factors Affecting Height Size

Besides the body heights that often changes when measured, the height of each individual is actually something whose growth is influenced by several factors. Here are the factors that affect the size of the height :

  • Gender

Often we meet in elementary schools many boys whose body size is smaller than girls. This is because boys have slower growth than girls due to the difference in age of puberty. However, after puberty boys tend to grow taller than girls.

  • Nutritional intake

Nutrient intake obtained from a good and balanced diet or eating pattern can support optimal height growth. Conversely, a poor diet will cause the body to be shorter even though the parental genes are high.

Height Size Different When Measured at Morning and at Evening
Source : istockphoto.com
  • Growth hormone

Growth hormone is also one of the factors that can affect the size of the height. Hormones such as thyroid, human growth, testosterone, and estrogen are very significant for regulating body growth during puberty.

  • Daily activity

Daily activities can also affect the growth of the body, if you are accustomed to carrying heavy loads on your back then it can affect the shape and size of the bones so that the body does not grow optimally.

  • Congenital disorders

Congenital disorders such as dwarfism (achondroplasia) and Turner syndrome can affect body growth. Dwarfism itself is obtained because of a growth disorder that runs in families. In contrast to dwarfism itself, it is obtained due to a rare bone growth disorder that is genetic in nature so that it is passed down in families, and causes delayed puberty and infertility.

Why Are Height Different When Measured at Morning and at Evening?

There is a scientific explanation of the phenomenon of this difference in height measurements. Scientific means related to the composition of human anatomy, namely the difference in the size of the plates between the spine in the morning and at night.

Height Size Different When Measured at Morning and at Evening
Source : istockphoto.com

The human spine is composed of 32 to 34 bones which are divided into four groups, namely 7 cervical spine, 12 thoracic spine, 5 lumbar spine, 5 hip vertebrae, 3-5 coccyx. Between these bones there are connecting plates that function to allow movement between the vertebrae.

At night the intervertebral plates shrink slightly due to the pressure generated by body weight and gravity as well as physical activity during the day.

Especially in people with excess weight or people with strenuous physical activity. The burden on the spine due to weight and physical activity will be greater. This causes the plates between bones to shrink even more.

Whereas in the morning when we wake up there is a difference in height, this is because the plates between the spine relax again because the body does not carry out activities when we rest at night. In addition, the lying position during sleep relieves pressure on the plates between the spine due to weight and gravity which causes the height to be several inches higher than the measurement at night.

However, differences in height measurements can also be caused because the height measurement tools used have different levels of accuracy. For that, it is necessary to use the most accurate height measurement tool.

Most Accurate Height Measurement Tool

Metresis – Portable Stadiometer by Solo Abadi is an instrument that is used to measure a human’s height. This measurement tool could measure both children’s and adults’ height.

A portable stadiometer is the best choice to measure height accurately, this product is also packaged in portable form so it’s easy to bring anywhere, anytime.

1. Premium Quality

Portable stadiometer made with the best material high resistance such as aluminum, stainless steel, and nylon so the material could last longer. Produced according to national standards and under quality control.

2. Measurement scale accurate and easy to read

The measurement scale is precise and accurate, easy to read because the position is negotiable, and easy installation with a guidebook.

3. Exclusive storage bag

A portable stadiometer by Solo Abadi is packed with an exclusive storage bag, that could help the tool to be carried anywhere, anytime. Other than that, the storage bag could minimize the risk of the deformed tool.

Here’s the product detail portable stadiometer by Solo Abadi :

To get portable stadiometer you could fill up the ‘ask for price’ feature available, contact our WhatsApp or by visiting our workshop PT Solo Abadi Indonesia in St. Slamet Raya RT.01 RW.34, Tawangsari, Mojosongo, Jebres, Surakarta, Central Java.

By purchasing products from Solo Abadi, you have participated on supporting Indonesia’s local product. We hope every product we release and created will be benificial and worthwhile for society.

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