Height is an important factor in daily activities, especially for high school graduates (high school) and job seekers. This is because many agencies and universities use height as one of the entry requirements. In fact, some people say it is difficult to increase height when you are in high school. So why doesn’t height increase in high school?
Height is said to stop increasing when a person has reached a certain age. This can be one of the factors causing height not to increase during high school. The height of the human body grows according to age, the older they are, the taller their body structure and posture will be. Although, in some cases, their height does not grow as tall as they should, there are also those who actually grow much taller than their age.

Growth in height will stop when the age of puberty ends, which is in the age range of 14-16 years depending on when puberty begins. Besides age, there are a number of other aspects that can affect the natural growth of height.
This article will review complete information regarding the reasons for not increasing height and stopping at high school age, starting from influencing factors, the maximum age for growth to tips on increasing height.
Height Growth Factor
As mentioned, there are a number of factors that influence the growth of a person’s height. Here are the factors that affect the growth of human height:
- Nutrition intake
- Gender
- Growth hormone
- Daily activities
- Disorders from birth
Maximum Age of Height Growth
Growth itself is the process of increasing the height and size of living things. As with humans, an indicator to see growth and development is to measure height. The most vigorous growth in human height occurs at the golden age or golden age. Golden age itself means the golden age, the period ranges between 0-2 years or equal to 1000 HPK (First Day of Life). Therefore, great attention is needed especially in providing nutritional intake for children in this age range.
However, height growth in humans can still increase until the age of puberty. When the age of puberty ends, that is, at the age of 14-16 years (depending on when puberty begins), the growth in height will also stop. This is caused by a number of factors such as loss of minerals, decreased muscle mass, increased body fat to thinning joint cartilage.
Therefore, efforts to increase height need to be optimized while the age of growth is not over. The previous explanation also answers the big questions in this article. Where when you reach high school age, growth in human height may occur, as long as puberty is not over. But when the age of puberty ends, height can no longer increase.
So what can be done to support height growth?
There are a number of efforts that can be made to stimulate growth hormone. One of them is by diligently exercising and consuming foods high in calcium.
Tips to Increase Height
If the maximum limit for height growth has not been exceeded, seeking height so that it grows optimally can still be done. Here are a number of tips that can be done to increase height:
- null
- Exercising, lots of jumping or swimming movements
- Enough sleep
- Eat foods with high calcium content
- Increase consumption of mineral water
- Monitor height regularly
Also Read: Tips to Make Children Grow Tall Faster, Maximize at the Age of Growth

The tips above can be used as a reference so that height growth can be optimally stimulated. Starting from paying attention to physical health by exercising, food intake to routinely monitoring height needs to be done before it’s too late. As for height monitoring, it cannot be done haphazardly, a height measuring instrument with a high degree of accuracy is needed.
Recommendations for the Most Accurate Height Measurement Tool
Metrisis – Portable Stadiometer is a height measuring device produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. This measuring instrument can be used to measure the height of children and adults. Made of the best ABS plastic material in its class, it is lightweight so that Posyandu cadres can easily carry it anywhere, anytime. With a maximum measurement scale of up to 207 cm and a heel limit, the portable stadiometer can be the best height measuring instrument for you.
Berikut adalah detail tampilan produk Metrisis – Stadiometer Portable produksi PT Solo Abadi Indonesia:
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