What is Whitening Infusion? Benefits of Whitening Infusion and Side Effects.

Nowadays, women want white skin, so many women try various ways to brighten their skin. You must also be familiar with the term whitening infusion, which now almost all beauty clinics provide this treatment.

whitening infusion

Whitening infusion is a skin care method that can brighten the skin, even out skin tone, reduce blemishes or spots on the skin. Whitening infusion is also believed to reduce wrinkles and overcome premature aging. However, choosing this procedure also has benefits and side effects after undergoing treatment.

What is Whitening Infusion?

Whitening infusion is a method of administering liquid substances or medicines through blood vessels or intravenously which have the effect of whitening or brightening, with the ingredients contained in it including ascorbic acid, collagen, glutathione, salmon DNA, and there are also other ingredients.

Whitening infusion is believed to be more effective than whitening injections because the dose given is much greater than the whitening infusion. Whitening infusion works by preventing the enzyme tyrosinase from forming in our skin to form melanocytes or what we usually know as melanin. Therefore, the results of this whitening infusion are also more significant.

However, like other skin treatments, this whitening infusion procedure needs to be carried out with the advice of a doctor who already has official permission, such as a doctor at a beauty clinic, or a skin and genital specialist, and also a dermatovenereologist.

Side Effects of Whitening Infusion

Whitenig infusion is safe if the dose given is appropriate, so that the dose given is not too much. Because the Whitening infusion itself contains ascorbic acid, our body only needs 40 mg/day of this content. If given more than this dose it can cause side effects of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sleep disorders, stomach ache and kidney problems.

The side effects of excess glutathione cause digestive disorders and even liver function disorders. Meanwhile, the injection procedure causes allergic effects, redness, swelling, bleeding in the injection area.

That’s why whitening infusion needs to be done by medical personnel who are truly experts in the process. So don’t try doing it on just anyone, especially with medicines that don’t have BPOM.

Medical Devices from PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia

The infusion pole recommended by the Ministry of Health is really needed for clinics and hospitals for medical treatment. You can buy it directly at PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia.

PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia is a medical equipment and manufacturing company that already has a TKDN value of more than 40%. You can order it from us according to your wishes via the ask for price form to get the best price.

For direct purchases, you can buy it via e-catalog, or you can directly contact our WhatsApp admin

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