An anthropometry kit is a set of measuring instruments that are currently being used in stunting detection in children aged 0-2 years in one package. The anthropometry kit consists of a single package containing:
- Stadiometer (height gauge)
- Infantometer Board (baby body length gauge)
- Upper arm and head circumference band (LILA)
- Digital baby scales
- Adult scales
One package of anthropometry kits can be stored in an exclusive bag that makes it easy for its users. However, some people, especially district/city health offices in Indonesia, are still confused about how to use anthropometric kits. For this reason, this article will be explained how to use an anthropometry kit, complete with video tutorials. Check it out to the end!
1. Use of a Stadiometer (Height Meter)

Stadiometer is a height-measuring instrument that is usually used by children over two years old to adults. Here’s how to use the right stadiometer (height meter) as follows:
- Prepare a stadiometer (height meter) stored in an exclusive bag.
- Then, take out the parts of the stadiometer tool in the form of a pipe totaling three. After that, also take out the base stadiometer and head slider.
- Then, assemble all the stadiometer parts into one tool.
- Once ready for use, first footrest on a base or base stadiometer. Make sure the heel touches the heel boundary of the stadiometer.
- The position of the body and head is facing straight forward.
- Loosen the knob or head slider limiting the head of the stadiometer so that it can be shifted up and down.
- Then slide the slider head until it touches the head.
- Then, lock the knob or head slider tightly so that the measurement results can be read correctly.
- The measurement results can be seen in the stadiometer reading window.
How to use the stadiometer in full can be seen in the video below.
2. Use of Infantometer Board (Body Length Measuring Instrument)
Infantometer board is a measure of the body length of babies used for ages 0-two years. Here’s how to use the correct infantometer board in measuring the length of a child’s body:

- Arrange infantometer boards consisting of 4 boards into one in order of measurement numbers.
- Then, install the head slider or head limiter at the initial end of the measurement number.
- Also install a feet slider or foot limiter as a measurement limit.
- Then place the infantometer board on a flat board or plane.
- Then pull the foot slider or foot limiter that can be shifted to the limit that is estimated to be enough to measure the baby’s body length.
- Then, lay the baby in a supine position and the head position attached to the head slider or head limiter.
- Also pay attention to the position of the baby’s legs tightly and press the baby’s knees to be straight.
- Then press the baby’s knees together and straighten the soles of the feet, then slide the foot slider or foot limiter to stick to the baby’s feet.
- Read the scale of the numbers listed on the infantometer board that shows the length of the baby’s body.
- Then, write the measurement results in the child’s health notebook.
Here’s how to properly install the infantometer board can be seen in the video below.
3. Upper Arm and Head Circumference Ribbon (LILA)
The upper arm and head circumference band (LILA) is a series in the anthropometric kit shaped like a ribbon. This tool is used to measure the arm circumference of children over the age of two years and also to measure the circumference of the head of pregnant women. Here’s how to use the correct LILA tape:

- Bend the left hand and determine the point of the measuring area between the shoulder blades and the elbows.
- Pull the reading tape then hook it around the left arm.
- Press the push button automatically.
- Then the measurement results can be seen at the end of the measurement.
Here’s how to use the LILA ribbon which can be seen in the video below.
4. Digital Baby Scales
Digital baby scales are also included in the anthropometric kit used to measure the body weight of infants less than two years old. Here’s how to use digital baby scales:

- Place the baby’s scales on a flat board or plane such as a table or floor.
- Then lay the baby on the scale tray board. Make sure when weighing off all accessories or equipment worn by the baby such as shoes and others.
- Then, press the on or hold button to bring up the measurement numbers.
- Wait a few seconds, then the measurement results will be visible. Then record the measurement results.
- When finished, lift the baby from the scale tray board.
- Finally, press zero to return to zero.
5. Adult Scales
Adult scales are also part of a set of anthropometric kits used to measure weight for ages over two. Here’s how to use adult scales:

- Place adult scales on flat boards or planes, such as floors.
- Then step on the scale board. Make sure to remove the footwear before using the scales, as this will affect the measurement results.
- Then automatically the scale will bring up a number in a few seconds to bring up the numbers from the calculation.
- After that, look at the results of the number and then record the measurement results.
- Then, lower the foot from the footrest, and the number will automatically return to zero.
Anthropometric Kit Consultation with Solo Abadi
As the largest manufacturer of anthropometric kits in Indonesia, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia participates in alleviating stunting by developing quality anthropometry kit products. You can consult about our products via WhatsApp. Get the latest information from us through