Children who can grow tall and healthy is the dream of every parent in the world. Especially in the midst of rampant stunting issues, namely conditions where children have below average height. Because of that the Solo Abadi editorial team has summarized tips and also ways that can be done so that children’s bodies grow to the maximum height.
The child’s height itself is the anthropometric dimension that is most highlighted in the stunting prevention agenda. Become the main indicator besides body weight and upper arm circumference in detecting stunting conditions. There are a number of efforts that can be made so that children’s height grows optimally, one of which is by fulfilling their nutritional intake.
Height Growth and Golden Age
Growth is defined as the process of increasing the height or size of living things that can be observed and measured. The process of growth is most rapidly escalating during the golden age or what is familiarly known as the Golden Age. The golden age occurs in the age range of children under three years, so at this time parents should pay more attention.

Also Read : Golden Age Is Suboptimal Can Stunting, Cool Discussion with Dr. Vicka Farah Diba
Growth, especially for toddlers, is very dependent on the nutritional intake consumed. So if the nutritional intake is lacking, bone growth, and the development of intelligence will also be hampered. This growth is also influenced by growth hormone or also known as Human Growth Hormone (HGH).
Not infrequently parents think that children can grow even if left alone, grow over time. This was also mentioned by Putri (2012), that many parents think that children can grow on their own.
Also Read : The Role of Growth Hormone for Our Height
However, this statement seems to be contradicted by UNICEF, because the first two years of a child’s life are a period that is vulnerable to various nutritional problems. There are various things that can affect the growth of a child’s height. Therefore, the role and intervention of parents is very necessary so that the growth and development of children can be stimulated properly, optimally and according to the average age of children.
Tips for Children Grow Tall Faster
To realize optimal growth, here are a number of tips so that children can grow tall :
1. Consuming Balanced Nutritional Foods
We all agree that a balanced diet greatly affects the growth of children. Both weight, intelligence and height, by consuming foods with complete nutrition, children’s height can grow optimally.

What is intended as balanced nutrition includes foods containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, and other minerals. Based on halodoc, recommended foods include chicken, green vegetables, eggs, salmon, nuts and fruit.
2. Accompany Children for Routine Sports
Apart from paying attention to their nutritional intake, parents need to encourage their children to move actively through sports. Because with regular exercise, the baby can strengthen muscles, bones and also support the production of growth hormone. Meanwhile, according to Kidshealth, children under the age of five need at least 60 minutes of exercise every day. Meanwhile, preschoolers need at least 120 minutes of exercise every day.

Even so, sports activities with a duration that is too long are also not allowed. Sports that are considered appropriate to support children’s height growth are swimming, jumping rope and also playing basketball.
3. Consuming Milk
Milk can also be a nutritional intake that supports the growth of children’s height. Because milk contains abundant nutrients that children need to grow taller. The intended nutrients include magnesium, zinc, fat, protein and other minerals.

Even so, not all milk is effective in providing benefits, parents also need to pay attention to the nutritional content of the formula milk they buy. Nutritional information printed on formula milk packets needs to be looked at so you don’t miss giving milk that is high in sugar. Meanwhile, if you are in doubt, you can consult a pediatrician first to ask for recommendations on the right milk for children’s consumption.
4. Manage Children’s Sleep Schedule Well
Apart from consuming milk, sleep is also an activity that can affect the growth of a child’s height. When the body rests through sleep, it also produces important hormones, including growth hormone. So that quality sleep can help optimize the child’s height.

Meanwhile, according to experts at the National Sleep Foundation, there are children’s sleep durations according to their age, as follows :
- Newborns (0-3 months) need 14-17 hours of sleep each day
- Babies (age 4-11 months) need 12-15 hours of sleep each day
- Toddlers (1-2 years old) need 11-14 hours of sleep each day
- Preschoolers (3-5 years old) need 10-13 hours of sleep each day
- School-age children (ages 6-13 years) need 9-11 hours of sleep each day
- Teenagers (14-17 years old) need 8-10 hours of sleep each day
5. Monitor Children’s Height Periodically
If the four steps above have been considered properly, the next step is to monitor every inch of your little one’s growth. To monitor or monitor a child’s height, an accurate and precise height measuring device is needed. Here is the best stadiometer height measuring tool that can be used :
The Best Stadiometer Height Measurement Tool
Metrisis – Portable Stadiometer is a height measuring device produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. This measuring instrument can be used to measure the height of children and adults. Made of the best ABS plastic material in its class, it is lightweight so that Posyandu cadres can easily carry it anywhere, anytime. With a maximum measurement scale of up to 207 cm and a heel limit, the portable stadiometer can be the best height measuring instrument for you.
The following is a detailed display of the Metrisis – Portable Stadiometer product produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia :
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