Stunting is now a deep problem for the Indonesian state. Why is that? Because stunting in Indonesia is still high at 24.4 percent. This means that 100 people in Indonesia about 24 people experience stunting. This is not a question that can be underestimated. Because children are the next generation of the nation later, to prepare quality human resources starting with overcoming this stunting problem.
The issue of stunting becomes the government’s main program to go to the golden generation in 2045. To realize the realization of the program requires support and participation from all sectors, both government officials, private industry, and the public.
Children with stunting conditions will experience physical changes that are short compared to their peers. However, in addition to the physical matter of stunting also has an adverse impact that can cause mental and IQ children to drop drastically for the future. Here are 3 impacts of natural child stunting.
3 Disadvantages of Stunting Children
Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), dr. Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.OG(K) in a Virtual Talkshow Solopos on Wednesday (8/2/2022) mentioned that children who experience stunting will get 3 losses, including:
1. It’s not easy to sign up for a job

dr. Hasto Wardoyo revealed that children who experience stunting will find it difficult to get a job in the military, such as the military, police, or jobs that require height requirements. This is due to the condition of stunting children who have short posture compared to their peers.
2. Lack of academic level of stunted children

The academic level of children who experience stunting will be reduced compared to their peers. The academic level will experience slowness so it is difficult to follow all subjects in school. Children who experience stunted IQ conditions will drop dramatically by 70%, have fear in speaking, and are not active in expressing opinions in front. This has the impact of children will be left behind and experiencing difficulties while studying in school normally.
3. Over the age of 45 years will be susceptible to disease

Children who experience stunting conditions later over the age of 45 years will be easily affected by the disease. This is due to a lack of nutrition given since childhood so that at the age of 45 and above the body is no longer fit. Diseases that appear at this age include cardiovascular disease, more easily tired, perimenopause, osteoarthritis, hypertension, and other diseases.
Avoid the Impact of Child Loss That Experienced Stunting Early On
Stunting can be prevented by adequate nutrition for 1000 days of life. In addition, monitoring the development of the baby’s body should also be done up to the age of 2 years such as measuring the body, height, head circumference, and arms to determine the nutritional condition of the baby through periodic measurements. Therefore, detection of the risk of stunting in children is very important to avoid the 3 losses above.

PT Solo Abadi Indonesia offers products in detecting the risk of stunting in children through measuring instruments such as infantometer boards, digital scales, stadiometers, and LILA measuring instruments. All of these products are wrapped in stunting kit packages. A stunting kit is a product that provides a need in detecting stunting early. You can have this stunting kit package only in Solo Abadi Indonesia by contacting us via WhatsApp. You can also directly make an offer through the ASK FOR PRICE link available. This stunting kit package is also available marketplace on Tokopedia , Shopee, and Bukalapak. Also visit our social media on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
Prevent Stunting Is Important
Read the next article Lack of Protein Energy (KEP) Can Cause Stunting Children.