Stunting Since Infancy, Can It Be Overcome As An Adult?

For some parents, of course, they feel terrified if the baby has been declared stunted. That way, parents will certainly try their best for their children so that they are free from stunting. Then, the question arises whether a child with indications of stunting can still be overcome when he grows up? We know that …

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Collaboration in Education, Solo Abadi Talk Stunting With Dr. Ria Yoanita, Sp. A

Stunting Talk With Dr. Ria Yoanita, Sp.A

Surakarta, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia — Wednesday (18/05/2022) PT Solo Abadi Indonesia collaborated with Dr. Ria Yoanita, Sp.A to discuss stunting. With the theme “Moms, Short Children Don’t Immediately Be Labeled Stunting!”. This collaboration took place on instagram live stunting kit and village against stunting at 18.30-19.30 WIB hosted by C. Lintang Larasati and Indah …

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Worms in Children Can Cause Stunting

We know together that the national health problem we face today is stunting. Where stunting is a disease that affects toddlers from a thousand days of life until he is two years old. Factors that cause stunting are not fulfilled nutrition in children, environmental factors, and childcare. However, stunting is not only caused by these …

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Do Your Children Like to Choose Food? Caution Can Impact Stunting

Mothers at home who have small children less than five years old, of course, often find children like to choose food. This child is usually picky food, some do not like vegetables, fish, fruit, or other foods. This food picky child is called a picky eater. Of course, a mother must be surprised if children …

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Prevent Stunting Conditions, Support Your Little One’s Immune System

To this day, stunting is still a serious problem, involving various parties to solve it. This is because stunting causes a number of diseases in the long term. Diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity increase the risk if the child is indicated to be stunted. It doesn’t stop there, stunting can trigger …

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