The Most Complete Table of Ideal Height for Women According to Age!

The ideal height table for women. Often we compare when adolescence women’s height is shorter than that of men. Actually, what is the ideal height table for women according to their age? Check out the review in the following article! Read More: 3 Ways of Measuring Height You Should Avoid! Height Influencing Factors As people …

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Why Doesn’t Height Increase in High School? Let’s Get To Know Why.

Height is an important factor in daily activities, especially for high school graduates (high school) and job seekers. This is because many agencies and universities use height as one of the entry requirements. In fact, some people say it is difficult to increase height when you are in high school. So why doesn’t height increase …

Read MoreWhy Doesn’t Height Increase in High School? Let’s Get To Know Why.

Height of Lower Face Measurement Using Portable Anthropometry

Height of Lower Face

Portable Anthropometry is the most complete range of measuring instruments. This instrument is designed to perform 100 dimensions of measurement anywhere and anytime. Measuring tools in Portable Anthropometry include: Anthropometer Anthropometer Stand Branches Measurement Curves Sliding Caliper Small Spreading Caliper Large Spreading Caliper Measurement of Height of Lower Face is a measurement to determine the …

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Prevent Stunting Conditions, Support Your Little One’s Immune System

To this day, stunting is still a serious problem, involving various parties to solve it. This is because stunting causes a number of diseases in the long term. Diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity increase the risk if the child is indicated to be stunted. It doesn’t stop there, stunting can trigger …

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Solo Abadi Measuring Instrument Has Fulfilled the Criteria from the Ministry of Health and WHO

Before buying a product there must be doubts, questions such as whether this product will last long or can this product function as it claims? Therefore, it is important for us to study the specifications of a product in order to estimate the functional and rigid aspects of the product. As with products from Solo …

Read MoreSolo Abadi Measuring Instrument Has Fulfilled the Criteria from the Ministry of Health and WHO

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