TKDN Encourages The Production of Medical Devices

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the need for medical devices is increasing. However, the production of medical devices in Indonesia is still imported as much as 55%. Not only that, sometimes Indonesian producers buy imported production materials, while the assembly is done in the country. So to overcome this, the government is aggressively optimizing the Level …

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Choosing Your Study Room Interior with Ergonomics Principle

Pandemic COVID-19 is forcing us to adapt, doing activities from home without making any crowd. As a result there are many industry have to rack their brain so that they still could do activity optimally eventhough they are working from home. Eventually a new culture called #WorkFromHome which means working remotely from anywhere. Not only …

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Anthropometry in Physiology of Badminton Athletes

Anthropometry is not only crucial in the needs of the manufacturing and health industries. However, the application of this knowledge can be found directly in almost all sports, especially those that have certain anthropometric requirements of the human body. It leads to the importance of anthropometry in the selection of athletes and supporting tools. One …

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Committed to Stunting Prevention, Solo Abadi Supports Multi-Sectoral Cooperation BKKBN with the Ministry of Religion and BRIN

Surakarta, PT SOLO ABADI INDONESIA – With the principle of solving stunting in Indonesia, Solo Abadi appreciates and supports the National Population and Family Planning Agency or BKKBN in collaboration with the Ministry of Religion and the National Research and Innovation Agency for early stunting prevention. This multi-sectoral collaboration was emphasized in the talkshow “Prevention …

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