Some Damage To Digital Stadiometers! Here’s How to Solve It!

Stadiometer is a tool for measuring height. In general, a stadiometer is used to measure the height of a child and an adult. One of the stadiometers around us is a digital stadiometer. Of course, in addition to the advantages and sophistication offered, there must be a haunting impact of damage. What are the damages that can occur to digital stadiometers? Then, how to deal with it? Let’s look at the following!

Ultrasonic Sensors

Ultrasonic sensor, is a sensor that serves to convert the magnitude of sound into an electrical magnitude. The sound waves on the ultrasonic sensor are at a frequency of 20,000Hz, so they cannot be heard by humans, but can be heard by dogs, cats, bats, and dolphins.

In general, ultrasonic sensors will fire ultrasonic waves towards an area or a target. Then, after touching the target surface, it will be reflected back which will be captured by the sensor. The result of the wave reflection will be calculated the difference between the time of sending and receiving the wave.

Integrated Circuit

Integrated Circuit or IC, is an active electronic component tasked with controlling a circuit. With the IC, an electronic circuit system can work according to the needs and capabilities of the tool.

LCD Display

Liquid Crystal Display, is a type of display media for displaying images. This digital stadiometer also uses a dispay LCD to display measurement results. Thus, the measurement results from the ultrasonic sensor that have been processed in the IC, will be displayed on the LCD display.

Power Supply

The last important main component on the scales is the power supply. The power supply serves to provide a voltage supply on the scale so that it can work accurately. Usually the power supply used is battery and direct electricity.

Digital Stadiometer Malfunctions And How To Solve Them!

As previously explained, the components used in digital stadiometers are electronic components. By using electronic components, it can be said to be easier and more modern. However, in addition to the sophistication offered, there must be an impact of the damage caused.

The first damage is the LCD display which is no longer able to display measurement results or error results. This can be caused by the presence of one of the connectors on the LCD display that has been damaged.

Second, that is, inaccurate measurement results. These inaccurate readings could be due to sensor age. The sensor on this digital stadiometer needs to be calibrated regularly every month or once every two months. This is so that the measurement results of the digital stadio meter are always accurate.

Third, is the damage to the IC. Damage to this IC causes the digital stadiometer to be unable to work or die. This is because the IC is an important component for a circuit to work. So that if the IC is dead or damaged, then the tool used also cannot work.

But don’t get me wrong just yet. The digital stadiometer dies may not be due to the IC being dead or damaged, it could be that the battery of the digital stadiometer is discharged. So it is necessary to replace the new battery so that the digital stadiometer can work again as before.

Portable Stadiometer of PT Solo Abadi Indonesia

Stadiometer is a popular measuring instrument used to measure human height. This instrument is operated by the medical party as an instrument for routine medical examinations, clinical trials and experiments. Our products are local products, but the quality is unquestionable. The advantages of our products are using materials with superior quality, sturdy, ergonomic design, affordable prices, and certainly 100% domestic products.

If you are interested in digital scales for adults or toddlers from PT Solo Abadi, please feel free to consult with our team. You can also directly ASK FOR PRICE to order adult or toddler digital scale products. Our products have been marketed throughout Indonesia. We also provide the best service with quality local products.

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