One of the characteristics of stunted children that are inherent is their short stature. But are all short children always stunted? Even though there are children with short stature but smart. Can it also be categorized as stunting? Let’s find out the answer through the following article!

Read More: Recognize 7 Causes of Child Stunting! Young Mothers Must Know
Definition of Stunting
Stunting is a condition of failure to grow in children from the age of 0 to 2 years. This condition is very vulnerable to occur during the golden age of children. One of the causes is that children are malnourished during their growth period, even since the mother’s pregnancy.
If this stunting condition is left untreated in the long term, it will have an impact on children’s growth. One of the visible impacts is that children’s intelligence does not develop due to lack of nutrition. The reason is that stunting occurs from the age of 0-2 years where this age is the golden age. At this age, brain development reaches 70%, followed by 90% at the age of 5. But if at this age the child does not get enough nutrition, it will be delayed and stunting will occur.
That way, healing for stunted children is intensified at the age of 2 years. Because child nutrition can still be pursued. But if this age does not get intensive treatment for children’s development, they will be left behind with their peers.
Short But Smart Children Are Not Necessarily Stunted
Are all short children stunted? The answer is no. Because stunting is related to malnutrition and hunger. Meanwhile, shortness can occur due to genetics from parents who are not necessarily labeled as stunted.

But the question also arises, “My child is short and smart, can he be stunted?” The answer is no. Every child has 8 dimensions of intelligence, including intrapersonal and interpersonal, kinesthetic, linguistic, musical, naturalistic, logical, and spatial. However, children with indications of stunting will experience intelligence delays, for example:
- Not interested in surroundings at the age of one
- Communication is not yet intelligible at the age of two
- Not yet able to recognize limbs at the age of three
- Not yet able to draw lines and unable to distinguish colors by the age of four
- Not yet able to recognize numbers by the age of six
Short stature is related to height posture. To find out the height of a child, it can be seen using a growth curve from WHO. The calculation of a child’s height based on genetics can be calculated using the following formula:
- Boys: (father’s height) + (mother’s height) + 13 cm) : -+ 8.5 cm
- Daughter: ((father’s height) + (mother’s height) – 13 cm)/2 -+8.5 cm
Read More: When is Child Considered Stunting? Check These Symptoms!
Stunting Detection With Anthropometric Kit
To find out whether a child is indicated stunting because his height is below his peers can be detected by anthropometric measurements. Anthropometric measurements include height and body length, weight, to the circumference of the upper arm and head. To obtain the measurement data, it can be done using an anthropometric kit.
The following are recommendations for anthropometric measuring kits standardized by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, namely the Metrisis Anthropometric Kit Package produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. Through this package, you will get a complete set containing:
- Stadiometer
- Infantometer board
- Upper arm and head circumference gauge (LILA)
- Weight scale (digital adult scale)
- Baby weight scale (digital baby scale)
- Storage bags
Metrisis Anthropometric Kit has been used in more than 1000 healthcare institutions. Starting from posyandu, hospitals, clinics, to health offices. How to make a purchase? Come on, just contact our Admin via WhatsApp and tell us your needs. It is also available on the E-Catalog when purchasing in bulk. Negotiate your best offer with us.