Serving 24 Hour Inpatient Services, Here’s the Definition of Poned Health Center!

Poned Health Center stands for basic emergency neonatal obstetric services abbreviated as poned. The poned health center itself is a service to overcome obstetric and neonatal emergencies that occur in pregnant women, maternity mothers, and postpartum mothers with threatening obstetric indications. What is the poned health center further? And is it true to serve 24 hours? Find out in the following article!

Ponted Health Center Building
Source: Flickr
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Definition of Poned Health Center

Poned Health Center is a basic emergency neonatal obstetric service that provides 24-hour hospitalization. This service is intended for pregnant women, maternity mothers, postpartum mothers, and newborns with complications. The existence of poned health centers is carried out to reduce maternal mortality rates (AKI) and infant mortality rates (AKB).

To prevent the occurrence of AKI and AKB, the government provides quality basic maternal and neonatal health services at the health center level. The goal is to make it easier for the public to get referrals before being taken to the hospital to handle emergencies that occur in pregnant women and give birth. Services at the Poned Health Center include handling pregnant women with hypertension during pregnancy, shoulder dystocia help and vacuum extraction in childbirth assistance, postpartum bleeding, postpartum infections, respiratory disorders, and seizures in newborns. In its implementation, the pond health center must have a doctor and 2 paramedics who have been trained by the poned team.

Puskesmas Poned
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Services at Pond Health Center

Health services in the poned health center serve maternal and infant emergencies to get referrals. These services include:

  • Hypertension in pregnancy (preeclampsia and eclampsia)
  • Shoulder dystocia rescue measures and vacuum extraction in childbirth
  • Postpartum hemorrhage
  • Postpartum infections
  • BBLR and hypothermia, hypogglechemistry, jaundice, hyperbilirubinemia, to problems with giving alcohol to babies
  • Affection in infants
  • Breathing disorders in babies
  • Seizures in newborns
  • Neonatal infections
  • General preparation before obstetric and neonatal emergency measures

Complementary Equipment in Poned Health Center

To support health checks at the Poned Health Center, the following is a list of equipment that must be present, including:

1. Examination Table

Examination tables are health equipment that must be in the examination room at each health center. This tool is used by doctors in examining patients in a sleeping position.

2. Infus Stand

After the examination table, the health equipment in the health center room is an infusion pole or infusion stand. Infusion poles are used in the inpatient room to place infusion fluids, blood, or other fluids to flow through the patient’s body.

3. Digital Baby Weight Scale

Baby scales are equipment that must be in the poned health center to measure the baby’s weight accurately. This is because the indicator of newborn measurement is through body weight to find out the nutritional status of the baby.

4. Sphygmomanometer

A sphygmomanometer is a must-have piece of equipment in poned health centers, especially in high blood pressure or hypertension services. Through this tool, doctors can monitor blood pressure in the mother.

5. Examination Lamp

An examination lamp is a piece of equipment used to assist doctors in diagnosing disorders or diseases in patients. This cat is equipped with a spotlight that facilitates medical examinations.

6. Mayo Table

A mayo table is an equipment used to place medical equipment. Mayo table instruments are commonly used in operating rooms or operating rooms.

7. Bed Screen

In providing a sense of comfort and safety in each inpatient room, it is necessary to separate the wards between patients. This bed screen is always in the health center room.

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