The scope of the application of anthropometry is so wide, in several articles that have been presented by the Solo Abadi editorial team, the role of body dimensions in the fields of medicine, industry and the military has been mentioned. But it turns out that anthropometry also reaches the field of physiotherapy. Physiotherapy itself is a science that discusses the rehabilitation of a person after experiencing certain injuries or illnesses to minimize movement limitations. Physiotherapy and anthropometry have a fairly close relationship, these two sciences are united through physiotherapy physics.
Physics is closely related to the measurement of both the length and weight of an object, this is where physiotherapy physics rests. The material explains the role of measurement in carrying out physiotherapy diagnoses. This then leads to the role of anthropometry in the field of physiotherapy, here is the full explanation!
Get to know Physiotherapy
As mentioned, physiotherapy is a science that studies the rehabilitation of human bones and muscles after an accident or accident. Not only from accidents, certain diseases can also affect disorders and hinder human activities. Through physiotherapy these disturbances or obstacles can be minimized. According to Chiara and Callender, physiotherapy is a science or method for carrying out treatment by utilizing the properties of nature such as light, water, electricity, exercises and manuals.

According to Kepmenkes No 1363/Menkes/SK/XII/2001, physiotherapy is a form of health service aimed at individuals and/or groups to develop, maintain and restore body movement and function throughout the life cycle by using manual handling, increasing movement, equipment (physical , electrotherapeutic and mechanical), function training, communication.
The practice of physiotherapy itself is often found in sports matches or competitions, as health workers. Because in the competition arena many movements are made by athletes and there is a risk of injury, so physiotherapists are assigned to deal with injuries that occur. However, the task of sports physiotherapists is more than that, they also play a role in anticipating athletes at risk of injury.
Definition of Physiotherapy Physics
In physiotherapy there is material that discusses the physics of physiotherapy, related to measuring body dimensions. The dimensions of the human body are also referred to as anthropometry. Although this term still sounds foreign to the ears of the common people, anthropometry is familiar in the medical world. Physics and physiotherapy have harmony through Newton’s Laws of motion.

The fundamental relationship to classical mechanics is in the laws of motion proposed by Isaac Newton, an English scientist. Movement in the body occurs because of the force acting on the body. Meanwhile, if the body is not moving or in a static state, it means the body is in balance. The sum of the forces and moments of the forces that occur is equal to zero, in line with Newton’s 1st law.
Based on this statement, physiotherapists are directed to analyze body weight, one of which is in a sitting position. What is the position and style of the body when sitting that can nourish the spine? Such formulations are the concentration of physiotherapists. That’s how physiotherapy physics plays a role in diagnosing body movement disorders and minimizing the risk of disorders in the body.
Anthropometric Approach to Physiotherapy Through Physics

As the title of this article states, physiotherapy physics is the embryo of the role of anthropometry in the field of physiotherapy. Anthropometry itself is a term adapted from Ancient Greek namely ‘anthros’ and also ‘metron’ which means human and measurement. Both physics and anthropometry have the same fundamentals, namely measurement, which is the bridge between the two sciences. The bridge between anthropometry and physiotherapy.
Also Read : Peran Antropometri dalam Fisioterapi, Diskusi bersama Dosen Fisioterapi UMS Suryo S. Perdana, M. Sc.
Previously, the Solo Abadi editorial team had met a physiotherapy practitioner in the field of sports, Mr. Suryo Saputra Perdana. His party conveyed the role of anthropometry in the field of physiotherapy. According to him, anthropometry is a science that changes subjectivity to objectivity. He defines subjectivity as something that is not measurable becomes objectivity or something that is measurable.
“This means that we change something that was previously unmeasurable into a measurable unit. If I go that way more”
Suryo S. Perdana, M. Sc.
Furthermore, he also mentioned that anthropometry in the field of physiotherapy also intersects with biometric identification. Measurements for carrying out physiotherapy diagnoses, seen from the angle of movement, foot length, walking speed, muscle mass and others.
Appropriate Anthropometric Measurement Tool for Physiotherapy Diagnosis
The results of anthropometric measurements in determining the cause of death in forensics must be accurate and precise. So it is necessary measuring tools that support these accurate results. Here is a selection of the best measuring tools that can be used :
Portable Anthropometry Kit for Physiotherapy Department
Metrisis – Portable Anthropometry produced by Solo Abadi Indonesia is an anthropometric measuring instrument derived from an anthropometric chair that is packaged in a portable form, so that the measuring instrument can be moved or carried anywhere easily. Befitting an innovation, portable anthropometry can be used to measure up to 100 dimensions of the human body.
The function of this tool is to carry out anthropometric measurements which are carried out carefully and prioritize data accuracy. This instrument offers measuring capability of up to 100 measurements. Besides that, its portable shape allows this tool to be used unlimited time and can be done anywhere.
Here are the details of the Anthropometry Portable Kit product :
Metrisis – Anthropometry Chair is an innovative anthropometric measurement instrument that can measure up to 34 dimensions of the human body. This measuring instrument is designed in the form of an adjustable chair to make it easier to measure in a standing, sitting position, as well as measuring facial dimensions.

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