The success of Mondokan Besti Program, Anthropometry Kit Solo Abadi Used by Puskesmas Mondokan Sragen

Surakarta, PT Solo Abadi Indonesia — Mondokan District, is one of the areas in the Sragen Regency with the highest stunting rate. The Besti program or its abbreviation is Stunting-Free is a program launched by the Mondokan Health Center of Sragen Regency in alleviating stunting. The program has been driven over the past few years.

At the end of January 2023, in the Mondokan area, Sragen Regency held posyandu activities such as simultaneous measurement. This is where one of the superior products of PT Solo Abadi Indonesia, namely Anthropometry Kit. Participates in the success of the Besti program in the Mondokan Puskesmas area, Sragen Regency.

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It is known that previously the Mondokan Health Center of Sragen Regency received the distribution of the Anthropometry Kit tool submitted by the Sragen Regency Health Office at the end of 2022 yesterday in collaboration with PT Solo Abadi Indonesia.

Anthropometric Kit tools used by the Mondokan Health Center are stadiometers (height gauges), infantometer boards (body length gauges). Upper arm and head circumference bands (LILA), adult weight scales, and baby scales.

All anthropometric kits are used as the frontline in alleviating stunting at the Mondokan Health Center, Sragen Regency. This is because stunting cases in Mondokan District are relatively high in Sragen Regency over the past few years.

PT Solo Abadi Indonesia also supports and expresses its gratitude for its involvement in the Mondokan Besti (stunting-free) program. Through its superior product, the Metrisis-Anthropometry Kit.

Hopefully, the Anthropometry Kit from Solo Abadi. Can help alleviate stunting in Mondokan District, Sragen Regency, as well as in other parts of Indonesia.

Read More: Providing the Best Service, Solo Abadi Performs Checking of Measuring Instruments at the Tanon 1 Health Center in Sragen

Solo Abadi, Creative Work Sincerely to Serve

About PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia

PT. Solo Abadi Indonesia is a company located in Surakarta, Central Java. Engaged in manufacturing and is the largest producer of portable stadiometerinfantometer boardanthropometric chair and stunting kit in Indonesia, which was established in 2005. Solo Abadi products can be applied in various fields of science such as health, anthropology, forensics, industrial engineering, product design, academia, to the military. We hope that we can continue to contribute to advancing the domestic industry by offering certified and licensed products for distribution.

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