The issue of stunting diseases has often been discussed in our previous articles. Stunting definitely an easy problem that can be considered trivial or one-eyed. The problem is a very important’s issue, because Indonesia’s President, Mr. Joko Widodo is currently accelerating the completion of stunting to reach the golden generation in 2045.

Stunting occurs in children younger than 2 years of age, where the child’s body is shorter compared to their peers. In addition to a short body, stunting also affects the motor, health, and mental health of the child.
Several factors cause stunting, one of which is the risk of pregnant women with anemia (lack of blood). This will have an impact on the susceptibility to giving birth to stunted children. Why is that so? Check out this short review.
Anemia and Stunting
Anemia is a condition of a person who has low levels of red blood or hemoglobin. The function of red blood or hemoglobin is as a transporter of oxygen in the blood to all parts of the body.

Quoted from the halodoc page mentioned that in Indonesia the condition of pregnant women who suffer from anemia is very concerning. Recorded 48.6 percent of pregnant women diagnosed with anemia during pregnancy or from 10 pregnant women 4 to 5 people with anemia. The average anemia experienced by pregnant women is iron deficiency anemia. Caused by a lack of iron in the body resulting in a decrease in the number of healthy red blood cells.
Based on data from WHO, the stunting rate in Indonesia is high because the average pregnant woman suffers from anemia. Lack of red blood cells in pregnant women will affect the health of the fetus. This can have an impact on stunting or impaired growth of the child at birth in the form of a shorter height (dwarf) compared to children his age.
Anemia and stunting are serious health problems and have an ongoing impact. That is, pregnant women who suffer from anemia will be at risk of giving birth to children with stunting conditions. Vice versa the child will be potentially affected by anemia as an adult and give birth to a child who is at risk of stunting and anemia.
Causes and Risks of Anemia in Pregnant Women

Anemia in pregnant women is caused by low hemoglobin or red blood cells in the body. This has an impact on daily activities so that the body is easily tired, dizzy, cold hands and feet, cramps, and shortness of breath. If this condition is not treated immediately will have an impact on lack of oxygen. Anemia in pregnant women is caused by several factors, including:
- Unsustainable production of red blood cells
- High levels of red blood cells that are easily destroyed
A lot of bleeding - Iron deficiency resulting in low red blood cell production
- The presence of impaired absorption in the digestive tract so that iron absorption is not optimal
- Deficiency of certain vitamins such as folic acid or vitamin B12

If the condition of anemia in pregnant women is left will be at risk of other health conditions. One of them is prone to giving birth to stunted children. In addition, it results in chronic diseases such as cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune diseases, infections, tumors, leukemia, and even lymphoma.
Prevent Anemia in Pregnant Women
To prevent anemia during pregnancy, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes) is running a program to provide blood-added pills for pregnant women. This program aims to reduce the risk of giving birth to stunted children. In addition to blood-added pills, pregnant women should also pay attention to diet and healthy living by:

- Multiplying foods containing iron for the formation of hemoglobin
- Taking prenatal vitamins
- Consume the right nutrients such as fish, chicken, lean red meat, nuts, vegetables, and fruits.
Read the full article These 3 Disadvantages of Children Experiencing Stunting
Sell Measuring Devices For Stunting Detection
Stunting is a problem we face together to go to the golden generation in 2045. The government simultaneously invites all levels of society to eliminate this stunting. We from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia took part in this stunting alleviation program by presenting our existing product, the Stunting Kit.

Our Stunting Kit consists of a stadiometer (height gauge), infantometer (baby length gauge), digital weight scales, head circumference arm circumference measuring instrument (LILA), and comes with an exclusive storage bag. Our products have several advantages including:
- Already have TKDN and AKD certificates
- Recommended by the Ministry of Health
- More than 500 posyandu have been used in Indonesia
- 100% local products
This stunting alleviation starts from the poyandu layer first. If you are looking for this Stunting tool you can directly contact us at 0812-2652-0305. Our Stunting Kit is also available at Tokopedia, Shopee, and Bukalapak. We also greet you through our social media on Instagram stunting_kit.