The cause of stunting in children has often been discussed, one of which is chronic malnutrition when 1000 days of life. Causative factors of stunting are not only chronic nutritional problems but several other factors affect it. Another cause of stunting in children can be triggered by early marriage. Why is that? Check out the following review.
Early Marriage Cases in Indonesia
In 2021, a study mentioned that Indonesia was ranked 2nd in the case of child marriage. 22 of Indonesia’s 34 provinces have higher child marriage rates than the national average.
In this time of the covid-19 pandemic that has not ended, cases of early marriage jumped dramatically. Why not? We hear elementary school children do not continue school. But instead do early marriage because of the stress of facing this pandemic that has not ended.

One example of a province with the highest case of early marriage in Indonesia is Central Java. In 2021, Central Java experienced 8,700 marriages out of a total of 290,000 marriages. In the case of early marriage, many apply for marriage dispensation. Marriage dispensation is the granting of the right to a person to marry even though it has not reached the minimum age of marriage. This means that a person can marry outside the provision if he wants and there is no other option (ultimatum medium).
The average child who performs early marriage is at the age of 18 and is still a student. Data from Bappenas revealed that during the covid-19 pandemic about 400-500 girls aged 10-17 years are at risk of early marriage. It also increases the number of unplanned pregnancies and the filing of marriage dispensation.
Correlation Between Early Marriage and Stunting
Early marriage without careful preparation can trigger stunting. The World Health Organization (WHO) in Indonesia says that stunting is caused by early marriage. This is because women who are still in their teens are psychologically immature. They do not yet have enough knowledge about pregnancy and good and correct parenting.

Teenagers generally still need maximum nutrition until the age of 21 years. If they are married at the age of under 21 years. Then the mother’s body will scramble for nutrition with the baby they contain. If a mother’s nutrition is insufficient during pregnancy. It will cause the baby to be born with a low birth weight (BBLR) and very at risk of stunting.
Pregnant women at the age of 18 years, their reproductive organs are not yet mature. The uterine organs, for example, have not formed perfectly. So the high risk interferes with fetal development and can cause miscarriage. In addition, the readiness of pregnancy at this age is not yet mature so the awareness of pregnancy has not been maximal.
Meanwhile, economic factors in the case of early marriage can also trigger the birth of stunting children. If economic conditions are below average for nutritional fulfillment between pregnant women and babies to be born less fulfilled. In addition, low sanitation and healthy living behaviors are also the factors that can trigger the birth of stunting children.
Source: Pixabay.com Source: Pixabay.com
Between early marriage and stunting is a thorny issue today. Education is needed about the impact of early marriage in the future and the impact of stunting for mothers-to-be. Because to meet the golden generation 2045, maximum synergy is needed to reduce the number of early marriages and stunting in Indonesia.
Adolescence is a productive age in positive academic and non-academic terms. If at that age it is used to marry it will make the child mentally will feel depressed and affect his reproductive organs. Knowledge of parenting is also not fully learned to the end, then the child will be given sober nutrition. This is what will be feared and can be a risk of stunting.
Prevent Stunting With Anthropometry Kit Solo Abadi
To anticipate the occurrence of stunting in children, we should know thoroughly about the dangers of stunting itself. In addition, teenagers should also know about the impact caused by early marriage. Many current teenagers do early are not ready in parenting so that children are nourished with potluck without ruling out the problem of stunting.
Education and prevention are needed in the issue of stunting and early marriage between adolescents, families, communities, and the government. Educational and socialization movements towards early marriage and stunting have been widely pursued by the government to reduce stunting numbers to meet the golden generation of 2045.
Stunting problems can be known by regular examination and monitoring of children with measurements of weight, height, arm circumference, and head circumference. To support that, we from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia provide anthropometric kit packages in detecting stunting in children. The contents of this anthropometric kit package consist of digital scales, stadiometers, infantometer boards, and LILA measuring instruments.

If you are interested in having an anthropometric kit package in completing stunting numbers, just contact us via WhatsApp. Our anthropometry kit is also available in online stores Shopee, Bukalapak, and Tokopedia. Anthropometric kit packages from us have been used by hundreds of posyandu in Indonesia, you know. We also greet you via Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
Read the next article Supporting Children’s Intelligence since Infancy, Fulfill Nutrition With This