Knowing the CNC Machine Maintenance Process in the Manufacturers

Machine maintenance in the manufacturing industry needs to be done to keep the production process running continuously and consistently. We know that CNC machines are common and mainly used machines in the manufacturing industry, so if the maintenance process is not properly considered, it will cause fatal damage that can suddenly occur.

Male industrial engineer or technician worker wear face mask with safety and hard helmet training trainee assistant using control machine operating control CNC machinery at factory Industrial.
Source : iStock

How is the CNC Machine Maintenance Process

In the medical device manufacturing industry, we need to pay more attention to the maintenance process of production equipment, because manufactured goods must be ensured to keep clean according to the standards of the health ministry. Below will be explained further about the CNC machine maintenance process for medical device manufacturing.

 The CNC machine maintenance process is classified into several types, but the most commonly encountered is the preventive maintenance process, which is maintenance carried out periodically to prevent fatal CNC machine damage and also save machine operating costs in the long run.

This preventive maintenance process is further divided according to the specified period, it could be daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. the longer the period required, the more maintenance processes will be carried out. Let’s learn more about the period of the maintenance process.

Daily & Weekly Maintenance

In daily maintenance, commonly cleaning the remaining raw materials (residuals), machine lubrication process, and coolant refilling process. and daily or weekly maintenance processes are usually carried out by CNC machine operators.

Monthly Maintenance

 For monthly maintenance, the process is a little bit heavier, such as cleaning the coolant tank, cleaning the residual material thoroughly, and recalibrating for parts that always moving and in addition, a checking process is also carried out to avoid leaks in the air flow section and also the hydraulic system,

Annual Maintenance

The annual maintenance process will usually replace several machine parts that are starting to wear out, the process of recalibrating the CNC axis to keep it precise and control processes that are still many more, in annual maintenance requires experts who are competent in CNC machine repair because it requires high accuracy.

Read Also : The Thing That Need to be Considerate To Avoid Work Accidents in CNC

Benefits of Proper CNC Machine Maintenance Process

After we know about the maintenance process of CNC machines,how about the advantages of proper implementation and following maintenance process based on point which has been described, many benefits will be obtained. The following are the benefits of a good machine maintenance process.

  • aIncrease work efficiency
  • Prevent from fatal accidents
  • Saving costs
  • Keep the quality of production up to standard
  • Maintain the sustainability of the company in the long term.

Solo Abadi has Optimized the CNC Machine Under Production Standards.

           Solo Abadi is a medical device manufacturing company located in the city of Solo, Solo Abadi has made many medical devices such as Anthropometry Kits and Portable Anthropometry with high quality, and meets the standards of the Ministry of Health.

If you are interested in buying medical equipment products at Solo Abadi, please contact the marketing team for more information via WhatsApp. or click this link

Read Also : Some Misconseptions That We Often Meet About Using CNC Machines

This Article Was Written by Adnan Rizky Fauzi,College Student at Sebelas Maret University,Mechanical Engineering Education program batch 2020

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