Stunting poses a threat to the nation for future generations of Indonesian. The Indonesian government is committed to reducing the prevalence of stunting rates to 14% by 2024. The government strives in handling stunting in achieving the vision of Indonesia Golden in 2045. So to realize this vision, the government formed 5 pillars in handling stunting in Indonesia. What are the 5 pillars? Here’s the explanation.

5 Pillars of Stunting Handling
The 5 pillars of stunting handling were formed as a national strategy in reducing the number of stunting prevalence in Indonesia. The goal is that all resources become a priority and support and finance the handling of stunting. Especially in improving the scope and quality of nutritional services in children and pregnant women.

The national strategy is prepared to involve all parties of society including ministries/institutions, academics and professional organizations, civil society organizations, and the business world. National strategies in the 5 pillars of stunting treatment programs in Indonesia include:
1. Increased commitment and vision of leadership in ministries/institutions, provincial governments, district/city local governments, and village government.
This pillar aims to ensure the prevention of stunting as a priority of the central government, regions, and villages. This pillar continues the vision of the President and Vice President in accelerating stunting prevention in directing, coordinating, and strengthening stunting prevention strategies, policies, and targets.
The implementation of stunting prevention in pillar 1 is carried out by the central government, local government, village government, community groups, and households. Activities in pillar 1 are coordinated by the Secretariat of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia or the Secretariat of the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K). Achievement strategies in pillar 1 include presidential leadership, local government leadership, village government leadership, and private involvement, civil society, and community.
2. Improved communication of behavior change and community empowerment.
Pillar 2 aims to increase public awareness and change public behavior in preventing stunting. This pillar is coordinated by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Communication and Informatics.
These 2 pillars include (1) ongoing advocacy to decision-makers at various levels of government, (2) national campaigns and socialization to program managers using various forms of media and community activities, and (3) interpersonal communication to accelerate behavioral change at the household level in supporting pregnant women and parenting 0-23 months.
Meanwhile, the achievement strategies in pillar 2 include: (1) a campaign for behavior change for the general public that is consistent and sustainable, (2) interpersonal communication in the context of the target, (3) ongoing advocacy to decision-makers, and (4) the development of program management capacity.
3. Increased convergence of specific interventions and sensitive interventions in ministries/agencies, provincial local governments, district/city governments, and village governments.
Pillar 3 aims to strengthen convergence through coordination and consolidation of central, regional, and village programs and activities. Convergence is an approach to delivering interventions in a coordinated, integrated, and together manner in preventing stunting on targets that are a preventive priority. Pillar 3 is coordinated by the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas and the Minister of Home Affairs, and also involves the relevant ministries, local governments, and village governments.
Achievement strategies in pillar 3 include:
- Strengthen convergence in the planning and budgeting of programs and activities to improve the scope and quality of priority nutrition interventions through the capacity building of district/city governments.
- Improve the management of program services to ensure priority objectives in obtaining and utilizing the intervention package provided.
- Divide the authority and responsibility of governments at all levels to organize convergence.
4. Improved food security and nutrition at the individual, family, and community levels.
Pillar 4 aims to improve access to nutritious food and promote food security. These pillars include strengthening the fulfillment of nutrition and community food, fulfillment of food and family nutrition needs, provision of food and supplemental food assistance, investment and innovation of product development, and food safety. Pillar 4 is coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health by Involving relevant technical ministries such as local and village governments.
Implementation strategies in pillar 4 include (1) provision of nutritious food, (2) expansion of social assistance programs and nutritious food assistance for underprivileged families, (3) fulfillment of family food and nutrition needs, and (4) strengthening regulations regarding food labels and advertising.
5. Strengthening and developing systems, data, information, research, and innovation
Pillar 5 aims to improve monitoring and evaluation as a basis for ensuring quality service delivery, increased accountability, and accelerated learning. Monitoring systems can help governments build a strong knowledge base and encourage changes in the way programs are organized, performance improvement, accountability, transparency, knowledge and accelerate learning.
The monitoring and evaluation system will focus on impact and achievement of the program, key outputs, and factors that support the acceleration of stunting prevention. Meanwhile, monitoring will utilize data reporting and collection systems that have been inputted by BPS, ministries/institutions, national and regional budget systems, and government electronic planning and monitoring systems.
Achievement strategies in pillar 5 include:
- Improved data collection systems that can monitor accurately and periodically stunting prevalence data at the national and district/city levels in facilitating stunting prevention programs.
- The use of data in results-based planning and budgeting is easily accessible and understood.
- Accelerate the learning cycle and various innovations both locally and globally in stunting prevention.
Government Efforts to Deal With Stunting
The government is committed to tackling stunting in Indonesia for the next vision of the Indonesian nation that makes the golden generation in 2024. So to overcome stunting, the government makes efforts in health programs including:

- Giving tablets adds blood to pregnant women who have anemia.
- Supplemental feeding to pregnant women who are not good status who are at risk of giving birth to stunting children.
- The provision of complete basic immunizations in infants is considered effective in the prevention of stunting.
- Giving vitamin A to infants and toddlers as an anti-oxidant and preventing infection in infants and toddlers.
- Giving zinc to infants as a diarrhea drug in lowering the risk of stunting.
- Supplemental feeding to toddlers.
Stunting Kit Smart Solution in Dealing With Stunting
Stunting Kit a brand produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia in detecting stunting early. PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is present and supports government programs in combating stunting by providing stunting kit packages. This stunting kit product makes it easy to handle stunting quickly, precisely, and accurately.
Stunting Kit from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is available in a variety including anthropometry kit SK 92, anthropometry kit SK 95, anthropometry kit SK 96, anthropometry kit SK 98, anthropometry kit SK 99. Looking for Stunting Kit products from Solo Abadi, you can visit our marketplace at Shopee, Tokopedia, and Bukalapak. You can consult for FREE through WhatsApp or see on our social media Instagram or Facebook.
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