The Importance of Nutritional Literacy, Provision of Parents in Preventing Stunting in Children

Stunting is a national problem that we now face together. The main problem of stunting is malnutrition in the first 1000 days of life which affects toddlers. The impact of stunting does not only occur briefly but also has a long impact on adult children. One of the impacts that we can see in children with stunting conditions is that their body condition is short with decreased or below-average brain development.

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For this reason, the role of parents to prevent stunting in children is very important. Therefore, an understanding of the fulfillment of nutrition and the dangers of stunting in children is needed. Parents should have the knowledge of nutritional literacy in overcoming stunting so that it does not happen to children. What does nutritional literacy look like? Come on, find out the details in the following article.

What Is Nutritional Literacy?

Do mothers at home already know about nutritional literacy? Well, if we describe more broadly ‘literacy’ means knowledge, while ‘nutrition’ is a staple food needed for growth and body health. That way, nutritional literacy is a person’s knowledge and ability to obtain, process, and understand related nutritional information. Especially during the mother’s pregnancy and in the first 1000 days of the child’s life. If the fulfillment of nutrition in children at that time is lacking, it will have an impact on children with stunting conditions.

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For this reason, parents need to prepare an understanding and knowledge of nutrition optimally. Nutritional literacy is a form of effort to prevent stunting in children. That way, parents with optimal nutritional literacy provisions will provide adequate nutrition to their children. What is some knowledge that should be possessed about this nutritional literacy for parents? The answer is as follows:

  1. Parents should understand in advance the importance of nutritious food for the child
  2. Parents need to exemplify in advance how to eat nutritious food, the goal is that this behavior can be modeled and accustomed by the child
  3. If children do not like foods such as vegetables or fruits, do not force it
  4. Parents must also innovate in making foods such as vegetables and fruits that are processed varied so that children can eat them

With some behaviors that can be done by parents, it is expected that the child during the first 1000 days of life gets enough nutrition. It can also prevent stunting.

Be Wise Parents By Understanding Nutritional Literacy

As parents, of course, we want the best for our children. Anything will be given by parents so that their children are healthy, agile, active, and without any shortcomings.

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One of the things that parents can provide is adequate nutrition for the baby. Nutrition is associated with the provision of a healthy and balanced diet. For example, breastfeeding babies from six months. After six months of age, the baby can be given the appropriate complementary foods (complementary foods). Complementary foods can be given such as healthy food, rice, softly ground green vegetables, as well as fruits that are soft and rich in fiber.

  1. Introduce children to healthy foods that are full of nutrients
  2. Prevent the child from unhealthy indiscriminate food
  3. Teaches healthy eating habits
  4. Regularly monitor the child’s development
  5. Consultation with a doctor or health professional when the child does not want to eat

Anthropometry Kit, Monitor Children’s Growth and Development Easily

As a parent, it feels like you don’t want to miss the growth of your baby. The reason is that the growth of children is an important moment from the time the child is infancy to adulthood. Significant growth can be seen in the growth of the child’s height and weight.

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Anthropometry Kit Package From Solo Abadi Indonesia PT

Anthropometry kits become one of the easy means of monitoring the growth of children. In addition, this tool can also be used to detect stunting from the age of toddlers. An anthropometry kit is an instrument for accurately measuring a child’s height and child’s weight. The tool contains one complete package which:

  1. Stadiometer (height gauge)
  2. Infantometer board (baby body length gauge)
  3. Upper arm and head circumference band (LILA)
  4. Adult scales
  5. Baby scales
  6. Exclusive anthropometric bag kit

Get an accurate and reliable anthropometric kit only from PT Solo Abadi Indonesia. A manufacturing company engaged in the manufacture of anthropometry located in Mojosongo, Surakarta City. You can directly fill in and ASK FOR PRICE to get a price quote. Or you can also visit our E-Catalog link. For further consultation, please contact our Admin via WhatsApp.

Read Also: Stunting Since Infancy, Can It Be Overcome As An Adult?
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