Specific nutritional interventions and sensitive nutritional interventions are two types of handling stunting cases in Indonesia. Interventions are carried out to prevent children who are detected to have potential for stunting through various efforts. These efforts are then classified into specific and sensitive types of nutritional interventions, so what differentiates the two? Let’s review it together.
Intervention itself in the KBBI is defined as intervening in a dispute between two parties, can be people, groups, countries and others. However, in this context the intervention in question does not refer to disputes or conflicts but rather intervention in handling stunting cases. The way it works is by detecting cases of stunting, evaluating them, then determining what kind of intervention should be taken by those at the forefront of stunting prevention. Is the intervention sufficient to be carried out within the family, Posyandu, or Puskesmas?

This is done to prevent stunting from continuing to stick to your little one, therefore the intervention period is limited to the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK). Why does it have to be 1000 HPK? Because during this period the process of growth and development of the child’s body takes place rapidly. There are still many things that can be done to stop the potential for stunting, which can lead to children not only lacking physically but also intellectually.
Cause of Stunting
As mentioned, intervention is an effort that can be made to stop stunting from occurring in your little one. So what causes stunting to occur?
Primarily, stunting is caused by chronic malnutrition, which is experienced not only by babies but also by pregnant women. The risk of a child being born stunted will be greater if the pregnant mother experiences the following conditions:
- Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
- Short stature
- The mother does not gain weight during pregnancy
- Low education level
- Poverty
- Living in an environment with poor sanitation and not having access to clean water

Meanwhile, the risk factors for stunting for children can be exacerbated if the child experiences the following conditions:
- Neglected by their family
- Not getting exclusive breast milk
- Getting poor quality MPASI nutrition
- Suffering from diseases that prevent the absorption of nutrients, such as tuberculosis, anemia, congenital heart disease, chronic infections, and malabsorption syndrome
If a child is observed to be experiencing symptoms of stunting, after experiencing the conditions above, the mother and father must immediately intervene. The intervention was carried out in the 1000 HPK period, the aim was to prevent and stop stunting before it progressed. Check out the various nutritional interventions that can be carried out, including the types below!
Discover Specific Nutrition Interventions and Sensitive Nutrition Interventions
According to Presidential Decree 72 of 2021 concerning the Acceleration of Reducing Stunting, interventions to prevent stunting are classified into specific and sensitive nutrition interventions. Specific nutrition intervention means strengthening capacity and behavior originating from the health sector, such as food intake, infection prevention, maternal nutritional status, infectious diseases and environmental health. Meanwhile, sensitive nutrition interventions mean supporting interventions that are not directly associated with the health sector. There are four intervention efforts included in sensitive nutrition interventions, including:
- Provision of clean water and sanitation
- Nutrition and health services
- Increasing awareness of parenting and nutrition includes education, counseling and behavior change.
- Increased access to nutritious food
Sensitive nutrition interventions are said to be outside the authority of the Ministry of Health, this is also the background for handling stunting requiring multi-sector synergy. Furthermore, in overcoming nutritional problems to prevent stunting, sensitive interventions contribute 70 percent while specific interventions contribute around 30 percent (Lancet, 2013). Considering the important role of these two interventions, the role of all levels of society is needed.

However, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture stated that it is not enough to handle stunting solely from these two nutritional interventions. Other interventions such as supporting interventions and integrated interventions are needed. Supporting interventions that can be implemented include civil registration, strengthening posyandu, nutritional surveillance, local government advocacy, and also convergence on stunting prevention in villages.
Examples of integrated interventions consist of the initiation of integrated interventions and also the focus locations for reducing stunting cases. Integrated nutrition intervention itself is an effort to prevent and overcome nutritional problems, especially stunting, by involving various relevant Ministries/Institutions (K/L).
To make the nutrition intervention launched by the government a success, one of the ways is monitoring nutritional status which is included in specific intervention efforts. Monitoring a child’s nutritional status before and after birth can use an ultrasound device and also an anthropometry kit. Anthropometry Kit itself means a tool for measuring human body dimensions that can detect a child’s nutritional status based on weight, height and also the size of the upper arm circumference. Packaged in package form to make it easier for Posyandu cadres as the front guard to carry out mobility measurements.
Considering the importance of monitoring children’s nutritional status, an Anthropometric Kit is needed that is accurate and meets the specifications set by the Ministry of Health. The following are recommendations for the most accurate anthropometric measuring tools to prevent stunting:
Recommendations for Anthropometric Measuring Instruments to Best Prevent Stunting
Anthropometric Kit – SK TKDN produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia is a package of anthropometric measuring tools to detect stunting from toddlers. This package consists of a Portable Stadiometer, Infantometer Board, Digital Adult Scale, Digital Baby Scale, LILA Tape and also an Anthropometric Bag. The specifications for the Anthropometric Kit – SK 17 have been adapted to KMK HK 01.07/MENKES/1919/2022 regarding the complete specifications for the anthropometric kit package. Solo Abadi’s Baby Scales and Digital Adult Scales are connected to the MetrisisApp application which can be downloaded on the Google Play Store.

Also Read: Easier to Find Prices of Anthropometry E-Catalog Kits Here!
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