Head Area Measurement Using the Anthropometry Kit

Measurement of the head area is one of the important things that are studied in the science of anthropometry. Especially in the relationship between anthropometric and health sector. In the study of anthropometry itself, many measurements are carried out on human body parts, one of which is on the head. The head is an important …

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The importance of Anthropometric Measurements in the Health Sector in Indonesia

In health studies that include health services, health institutions and so on, anthropometric measurement is one of the most notified measurement topics. For most Indonesians, the understanding of anthropometric measurements is still a topic that is not yet widely known. In this article, we attempt to discuss the urgency of anthropometric measurements in the health …

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Selling Portable Anthropometry Kit

Portable Anthropometry is an anthropometric measuring instrument inspired by anthropometry kits created by Rudolf Martin. This instrument is an effective, modern and easy instrument. We sell four parts of the Portable Anthropometry Kit, which are: A. Portable Anthropometry Product Kit 1. Complete Set Series Portable Anthropometry “Complete Set Series” is a measurement tool for the …

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The relation between Anthropology and Anthropometry Measurement

Did you know that the anthropometric approach is not only used in industrial engineering but also in other fields? Previously, we discussed anthropometrics in other fields such as industrial engineering, ergonomics, and the nutritional status of the human body. This time, we will provide more information about anthropometry, one of which is the relationship between …

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Functions and Advantages of Portable Anthropometry Kit

Measurement of human body dimensions can be done in various ways and various instruments. One of the most popular anthropometric measuring instruments used is portable anthropometry. Portable anthropometry is an anthropometric measuring instrument consisting of several parts inside. Some of these parts are: A Set of Anthropometry Tools Branches Measurement Curve Small Spreading Calliper Sliding …

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