Learn How to Maintain Measuring Tools with Stainless Steel Material

The use of measuring instruments is basically very helpful in human life, because with this measuring instrument, there are so many objects and objects that can be produced according to the needs that arise. As the largest producer of anthropometric measuring instruments in Indonesia, this time Solo Abadi will explain how to care for measuring …

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Designing a Wheelchair Model for The Elderly Based on Anthropometry

A wheelchair is a tool used by people who have difficulty walking on their feet due to injury, disease, or disability. Wheelchairs really help mobility for people who have limitations in carrying out daily activities. It is moved by being pushed by the person behind it or it can be moved by the user’s hand. …

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Using Anthropometry to Know the Performance of Basketball Athletes

Sport is a physical activity that is carried out with the aim of physical fitness, health, and achievement. One of the most popular and well-known sports in the world is basketball. This sport is very popular with various groups, from children, teenagers, to adults. Because basketball is so famous, this sport is also used as …

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Learn To Designing Work Facilities according to Ergonomic Aspects

In the world of work, the office is a place where workers spend a lot of time doing various activities that are in accordance with the context of the work they are engaged in. Therefore, a comfortable office atmosphere and adequate work facilities will certainly greatly assist workers in doing their jobs productively. Various work …

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Anthropometric Measurement for the Selection Stage of Sports Athletes

Currently, there are many sports competitions organized by various Government Agencies, both National and International. In fact, there are also prestigious events held by various countries such as the Sea Games to the Asian Games. In a competition, of course, there is a very strict selection of athletes who will participate in the competition. The …

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