The Importance of Choosing TKDN Certified Medical Devices

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the need for medical devices is increasing. This certainly affects import activity to neighboring countries and foreign countries to meet increasing health needs for the survival of many people. Whereas medical device manufacturers in Indonesia itself can develop their products without having to import from outside. The government together with the …

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Important! Domestic Products with 40% TKDN Must Be Used in Indonesia

Procurement of goods in an institution certainly requires certain qualifications so that the goods can work properly according to their functions. For this reason, the industry needs to pay attention to the quality of the product. Especially in the health sector, a truly functional instrument is needed. So it is necessary to pay attention to …

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Solo Abadi Measuring Instrument Has Fulfilled the Criteria from the Ministry of Health and WHO

Before buying a product there must be doubts, questions such as whether this product will last long or can this product function as it claims? Therefore, it is important for us to study the specifications of a product in order to estimate the functional and rigid aspects of the product. As with products from Solo …

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TKDN Encourages The Production of Medical Devices

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the need for medical devices is increasing. However, the production of medical devices in Indonesia is still imported as much as 55%. Not only that, sometimes Indonesian producers buy imported production materials, while the assembly is done in the country. So to overcome this, the government is aggressively optimizing the Level …

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The Importance of Monitoring Infant’s Growth

Monitoring infants’ growth needs to be commended or practiced since their early stage in order to ensure that babies are developed optimally. Because, we understand that a kid that is smart and healthy is the dream of every parent in the world, so it’s important to always fulfill the baby’s nutrition need. One of many …

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