CED or Chronic Energy Deficiency is one of the most highlighted cases in the agenda to accelerate the reduction of the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia. This is because the CED that hits pregnant women can cause fetus to lack nutrition, which can lead to stunting. CED can be monitored through the measurement of the Upper Arm Circumference or LILA of pregnant women. There are a number of factors that influence the size of the upper arm circumference in pregnant women. This article will summarize the factors that influence the Upper Arm Circumference as an indicator of Chronic Energy Deficiency or CED.
LILA Measurement for Early Detection of Stunting
Because stunting is a national priority agenda, currently Posyandu cadres and also Puskesmas staff are intensively carrying out stunting detection since in the womb. Detection can be done by monitoring the condition of the fetus using ultrasound or through anthropometry of pregnant women. In this case is the Upper Arm Circumference (LILA).
Measurement of the upper arm circumference or LILA in pregnant women is an easy way to detect the risk of CED. There is a specific way to measure LILA in pregnant women, by measuring at the midpoint of the subject’s upper arm circumference. If the measurement results are less than 23.5 cm, pregnant women can be categorized as subjects at risk for CED. On the other hand, if the size of the subject’s upper arm circumference is equal to or more than 23.5 cm, there is no risk of CED.
Three Factors Affecting Upper Arm Circumference Size
Then the question will arise, what actually affects the upper arm circumference of pregnant women? Quoted from the Denpasar Poltekkes Repository, here are three factors that affect the Upper Arm Circumference or LILA for pregnant women :
1. Mother’s Age
Baliwati (2004) mentioned that age is a crucial factor in the process of pregnancy and childbirth. If the mother is too young, the nutrition of the food consumed by the mother can become a ‘fight’ between the fetus and the mother. Because the mother is still in her growth age.

Therefore, mothers who are not old enough can be at risk of experiencing KEK 3.7 times greater than mothers who are older.
2. Parity

Parity or the number of children born from the mother, is an aspect that also affects the upper arm circumference and the possibility of CED. Mothers who have large parity will have poor nutritional status. This is because the nutritional reserves in the mother’s body have been depleted. Meanwhile, according to (Surasih, H., 2005) the best parity is only twice.
3. Birth Gap or Birth Spacing
Mothers also need to pay attention to the birth spacing of their previous children. Because birth spacing that is too close or less than two years will result in poor nutritional status of pregnant women. Because the mother does not have the opportunity to restore her nutritional state as before.

After understanding the three factors above, pregnant women still need to monitor their Upper Arm Circumference size periodically. So that if a CED condition is detected in pregnant women, intervention can be immediately carried out. So that indications of stunting can be prevented from the start. In carrying out LILA measurements, accurate and precise measuring instruments are also needed. The following are recommendations for the best LILA measuring instruments.
Best Upper Arm and Head Circumference Tape Measure Tool (LILA)
Metrisis – Body Measuring Tape or LILA Tape is a measuring tool for Upper Arm and Head Circumference (LILA). It is produced by PT Solo Abadi Indonesia for toddlers and pregnant women with a design that has been adapted to the shape of a measuring finger. Therefore, it does not come off easily when measurements are taken. Accompanied by a stop button that allows the tape to attach to the skin perfectly. The maximum scale of this tape reaches 150 cm so that it can be used to measure babies as well as mothers.
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